Monday, December 28, 2009

dropped glasses

"First Emperor's tomb “Was delivered, and I know there will be many aion power leveling, the students said that I Liaoshirushen."Empty city “Has dropped glasses, in advance only that the enjoyable read, click-through rate is not high. Article, the reader can see that acceptance is not easy to predict. Pen to paper, writing not grandstanding, but it is written in readable flow, followed by staying put, hoping to patronize the reader about. Readers to write articles that do not look more than a lie. Students said “Empty city “The first day of online time is longer, but a "station" by day, more than 130,000 personal records.

Online customers like to have shouted abuse, common, or want more excitement about the world of warcraft power leveling." First Emperor"1 Man fights the world is well known that there are two being accused. One is the curse I should not recommend to open the tomb of their ancestors. A matter of opinion, if I was Emperor, and it has to know, will not wait for epigenetic kid to open the tomb to see the old lady ability before. Second, I do not understand open tomb curse technology. I am of course not an expert, but did not see the "experts", say that there is convincing technical difficulties. "Ghost town “The paper was being accused there is two, are baffling. One is the curse my economics professors do not know the difference of output and income, which is inseparable from the product and income. I am really inseparable in aion. Both are income, there are several algorithms, slightly different, write “Ghost town “These differences are not important. A few months ago to Guangzhou, live in White Swan, in the Pearl River at 7:00 am to see a dozen swimmers. Today may be old stinky river beaches, the city government do not know how much was spent cleaning up, it should be counted as part of GDP, but also of income - the income of swimmers, I see the hi's can be considered income. The problem is these revenues add up to, whether it is worthwhile to spend the government money? Fourteen years ago wrote, the Swedish tax on exceedingly high, the Government has big hands to spend money on welfare and public projects can be regarded as national output, but also national income. That year undergraduate macroeconomics, what GDP, GNP, NI and the like, are in the National Income Accounts chapter. It is the sun no more boring science in itself. Maybe I fell asleep reading that year, Isn’t which is which. It is Surprise many readers that the product and income are two different things. Even more surprising is the recent Beijing's macro-reading speech, but there are still people believe that is said to be Keynesian to saving investment equilibrium is equal to the ignorance of analysis. I am sorry that the world is a fool many, but the nerve to say many smart people see the emperor's new clothes.

"Ghost town “The second point has been criticized runescape power leveling, is that I sound like Guangzhou, Guangzhou degraded. Today, one student pointed out that the domestic online customer complexes: criticism of the country will be applause; criticism of the region bound to blame. Where do I offend Guangzhou it? Made it clear that the authorities did not hide the truth, and I came up with "empty city" (household registration population of less than the actual population, the former can be said to be "ghost town"), note was opened about a friend in Guangzhou Yao Gen jokes.


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