Tuesday, January 5, 2010

further improve the agency shares the system

Yet the President still has to "further improve the agency shares the system, and explore expansion of multi-level market." Matter, when the former tried to raise to the market a voice of opposition. This system, if they created a market, then the cap, lower on the A shares, ST shares the impact will be large, we must be cautious. Shang President also spoke of "doing a good job pilot margin trading runescape power leveling" also talked about many times. This matter is very difficult. First, the financing, such as confined to the broker, the market up to more than 200 - 300 million, the secondary market a few days swallowed up, especially in the "size of the non-" lifting of the ban time; financing such as occurred in the inter-bank, that is more than Italian, but the Government not, the banks did not dare. Second, the financing of how melt. 140 Yuan for Ping and by several fold melt; 3 dollars a few folded ST melt; 2005 of Jiaozuo Wan fang 1.6 Yuan, according to several fold melt. Third, the Securities Lending is a bad, an increase of short power. Will also induce "the size of the non-" de facto lifting of the ban ahead of schedule; supposed to lift the ban in 2010, the first financial market to its own A shares throw, short, two years later, repeatedly used the unit to also ban you. - In short, the matter we must be cautious.


Shang President also stresses "to strengthen the international financial crisis aion power leveling" - should be said that the international financial crisis on people around the world are profound educational, not in the social sciences, in the non-entities in the economic sphere xenophile Chong outside the United States, for "returnees" back to the financial people on Wall Street instead of revealing the (in this case the American people called them liars), frequently controversial, "the New York Stock Exchange," how translation. Or a combination of China engaged in the real solid. It is the design of financial derivatives to be careful, and then be careful. Firmly opposed to the United States, Britain, Japan and overseas shares to shares to listing, listed a Juicing out a Nampa Bridge (25 million). Must be in the Yuan fully convertible, "the size of non-" full circulation and then allow them to. Otherwise, I'll secretary to Hub Junta, Premier Went Jerboa, Vice Premier Wang Dishpan calls again and again. Some publishers may try to minimize theft by delaying releases of e-books for several weeks after physical copies go on sale. Simon & Schuster recently did just that with Stephen King's novel, "Under the Dome," although the publisher says the decision was made to prevent cheaper e-versions from cannibalizing hardcover sales. Some authors have even gone as far as to shrug off e-book technology altogether. J.K Rowling has thus far refused to make any of her Harry Potter books available digitally because of piracy fears and a desire to see readers experience her books in print. However, some evidence suggests that authors' and publishers' claims of damage from illegal piracy may be overstated. Recent statistics have shown that consumers who purchase an e-reader buy more books than those who stick with traditional bound volumes. Amazon reports that Kindle owners buy, on average, 3.1 times as many books on the site as other customers.


Fourth, he spoke of "pre-launch of stock index futures do all the preparations." This phrase was also said for years. In fact, although stock index futures aoc power leveling, in the current point and the stock market launch, the risk has been much smaller, it is not difficult. I do not know why dragging. Such as the introduction of pairs of blue chip companies are bullish on small-cap stocks is bad, will be marginalized.

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