Wednesday, February 29, 2012

rift platinum Lin Shuhao had made up his mind - JOS

129732242320783750_291SINA sports news Beijing time on February 7, get the career starters for the first time Lin Shuhao (microblogging), bright eyes play, there are is dumbfounded, in he House 17 10, Trey 3 shots in 1, penalty-9 7, get all the highest, also a career high 28 points, 8 assists. Game, Lin Shuhao alternate appearance are 25-7 assists 5 rebounds, rate 99-92 beat xinzexilanwang. After the game, faced with the coming of sound reputation and praise, Lin Shuhao also said it "as in a dream. "The field after the game, Lin Shuhao finally no longer in" dream ":" basketball game is it age of conan gold, can be a force of unity and mutual aid teams, can we survive together, overcome difficulties,And win, this is so interesting. We lost a lot of players, but the team is full of faith. "However, Lin Shuhao mistakes in this field there have been 8 times, but his presence remained at 45 minutes, ranks first of all players. In response, Lin Shuhao says, grateful for coach Mike-deandongni trust: "I made a mistake, he still remained on my presence. Any8 mistakes occurred when a player, or trust to have a coach, that's impossible. "Interesting is that media has revealed that on January 7 this year, have been after the Golden State Warriors Houston Rockets and out, Lin Shuhao had made up his mind, if Nick is still the same outcome, he will take into account overseas League play. Local time Monday night,Nick's dressing room, Lin Shuhao research: "no, I didn't think so, I was thinking is that if (March 15) before being laid off, that I had no other way out, estimates had to go overseas to play ball. This is the masterpiece of God, amazing, amazing. "Lin Shuhao excellent performance also conquered the fans, they all shout" MVP "In response, Lin Shuhao said that he was very grateful: "I think this is great, this is what we call home advantage of sth We will spare no effort to support you, which eventually changed the match process. "Asked whether now is the most exciting moment of his basketball career, Lin Shuhao recalls follow paluoaotugaozhong to obtain State champions of the past," memories are still there guild wars 2 gold, I meanThinking is, follow the school team to the State Champion in high school. I did not have to choose, this is the most exciting time. "Who is this thanks? Lin Shuhao said: "I am full of gratitude for my family and friends, they made me stronger rift platinum, through all the difficulties. "(Evil spirits)
