Saturday, May 12, 2012

a lot of things we can't do. "However wow power leveling a lot of things we can't do. "However - N

129810431520000000_109Tablets Office easily committed five errors A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that more and more companies in the process of working with a tablet computer, can bring a lot of convenience, but also made a lot of mistakes in introducing – on how staff can take full advantage without doing any research on the Tablet Rift CD-key, underestimated the costs and challenges other tablets to the IT network. It is understood that the AirwaysHolding Group (AMR Corp) owned by United States airlines (American Airlines) was one of the first attempts to use the tablet. Therefore, valuable experience on how to give full play to the Tablet, where problems may occur on, it has deep experience. For example, the airlines have long understood the Tablet setUnable to meet all demands. Pilots can use high-end tablet computer instead of paper charts wow power leveling, and mechanic needs to be something more durable. Steward, compact and lightweight is crucial, while at the same time, airline for first class and business class passengers can use a Tablet PC you must play movies new movies, but also to avoid the risk of illegally ripped. Easy to commit five errorsReport analysis, summarized the five big mistakes committed by the companies and the lessons to be learned from them. Error 1: launched the Tablet without first planning. PWC kelisi·kelun, head of technical strategy and innovation of supervision (Chris Curran), "said some units did not take into account the consequences, just saying, ' we need a tablet. ’And then buy 20,000 units, distribution, waiting to report how they used these tablets. "He said that this was a waste of money, and can cause a lot of problems. Analysts suggested that the universal core staff to use on a small scale before Tablet PC, let them take a look at what are the strengths of tablets, which has yet to be improved. Policy issuesShould be dealt with in advance. For example, who used the device, and device management. Error 2: not sure where are the advantages and disadvantages of Tablet. Tablet cannot replace a laptop in one of many uses. Many traditional computer programs cannot run on the Tablet, sent from the computer to the mobile device file cannot be compatible. Stamford, Connecticut (StamforD) IT research and advisory company Gartner (Gartner Inc.) analyst Ken·dulani (Ken Dulaney) said, "If you send files from desktop computers to flat-panel device, no one can guarantee that everything in the file will be properly delivered to the end user. And install the application on a tablet device might displayNot shown in some data has been lost. "The Hyatt Hotel Group said SWTOR Credits, some flat-panel computer in the hotel staff using software like that, but sometimes there is no mouse or keyboard it could not be applied to all programs. In addition, most PC computer programs are designed for larger monitors, on the smaller screen of a smooth reading difficult. Error 3: all applications can easily beIt too. Despite the current iPad and Android software applications than other brands online store, but the quantity is limited. Tennessee Sparta (Sparta) kayak manufacturer Jackson Kayak in its 130 employees equipped with about half of the iPad. A while back, to meet the specific needs of the companies had a lot of troubleTo find the Tablet-specific application software, such as software product management. The company's Chief Marketing Officer zhanmushi·maikebeisi (James McBeath) said, "at the beginning of, a lot of things we can't do. "However, the Macbeath said the company was eventually found in the app store that they needed almost all of Tablet PC application software,One needs to be made is software that enables customers to understand their business. Error 4: flat are cheaper than laptops. Compared with laptop price, $ 500 Tablet seems to be very attractive. But it is worth noting that is, tablets updating more frequently than PC. Japan Ricoh (Ricoh Co.) subsidiary of Ricoh Americas Corporation (RicohAmericas Corp.) allow employees to bring their own tablet computers. The company has yet to give all staff the bulk purchase of tablets. The company is considering for the sales representative configuration a tablet, but in General dispensing shall wait until the whole company reached the level of PC Tablet functionality. Ricoh Americas Corporation Chief Information Officer Tracy XI·luotengboge(Tracey Rothenberger) said, "I don't want to spend $ 1000 to buy a laptop, and 800 dollars for a Tablet PC, I only want to spend $ 800 once solved the problem. "Error 5: tablet can easily support and security. In the course of using Tablet, to play its role in order to maximize, inEquipment loading large amounts of data is necessary, but also faced with how to protect data security. Employees when your tablet computer for private office, in case the device is stolen, the company's IT staff can remotely wipe clean hard drive do? Employee downloads a large number of programs, this is a nightmare for the company's network security, operating systems and applications at the company intends to riseLevel also cause compatibility problems. Companies need to recognize the Tablet PC is a new equipment, requires new approaches to management. Others:
