Friday, June 29, 2012

the National Audit Office published 15 single audit resultsDisplays

129835668777187500_434Crazy inventory of more than 15 million tons of steel products in China to build 371 bird's nest Steel stock in 15 consecutive weeks back, but rebounded slightly in valleys of the steel market still will not help. Inventories of steel products in China in the end how much? Answers can be built "371 nest, 111 CCTV building". The European debt crisis is not return frequency, real estate slumped and exports of steel products were "double reverse" investigation of background, high productivity growth of the iron and steel industryAnd the high inventory has become the corporate heart "said pain". Crazy stock: 15.615 million tons in accordance with CISA's statistics show that as of June 1, 2012, 26 varieties of five main markets of steel (threaded, wire, hot rolled coil, cold rolled sheet and plate) community inventory to 15.615 million tons, over the sameCompared to the period (June 3, 2011), total inventories more than 1.19 million tons. Journalist access to relevant information that, "bird's nest" amount of 42,000 tons of steel external steel structure, if built with the inventory to the "bird's nest", you can build 371; CCTV new building with a capacity of 140,000 tons of steel, then these stocks can build 111 CCTV building.Production capacity continued to increase, which led directly to steel inventories are high. After the Centre for economic development of metallurgical industry-related sources, demand for domestic consumption and exports only about 700 million tons, with 900 million tons of excess steel capacity of more than 200 million tons by the end of last year. According to the information, my dosage about 5 million tons of steel for high speed railway as a whole, this excess capacity of 200 million,Current high-speed rail line in our countries to be built 40 again. Still in expansion of production capacity of excess pressure has been so great, but starts at around 90% of iron and steel enterprises. "A lot to eliminate backward production capacity of local tax payer, local governments are reluctant to eliminate them, so one day is one day. "A steel plant workers told reporters. "Real losses regardless of the operation is stopped. But once cut off further recovery of blast furnace production costs were very high, and market competition is fierce, discontinued downstream customers will soon after be competitors steal, even resumed production customers are likely to drain. "Steel capacity in China's fast-growing dates back to the" Eleven-Five "period. "15", "Eleven-Five" period,Crude steel production grew and 22.6% respectively. Only last April, crude steel production reached 60.575 million tons, over the same period last year increased by 1.527 million tons, growing cent. Subsequently, China Steel overcapacity problems become more and more prominent, but output still could not stop the pace of growth. China Steel NETForecast, 2011 added 63 for blast furnace in China, production capacity totals 85.59 million tons. That by the year 2012, the State finally made up my mind to the backward production capacity, "brandished a" developed "efforts to increase energy conservation and emission reduction, promoting industrial upgrading" of the policy read more, but the local government in the implementation of discounts on. On June 1, the National Audit Office published 15 single audit resultsDisplays, in addition to the single financial issues, different levels, Baosteel, ansteel and there are different levels of breaches of WISCO added capacity issues. Continuing weak demand and capacity is corresponding to a new high, now continue to slump in demand in the industry. According to the National Bureau of statistics, in January-April, domestic crude steel apparent consumption of more than 200 million tons, up to 219 million tons, An increase of 0.5%. But if you consider in February this year than last day, January-April this year the actual crude steel apparent consumption continues to be negative. In iron and steel industry group "winter" situations, people have lower demand for steel in the future. In the steel industry "Twelve-Five" development plan, 2015 domestic consumption of about 750 million tons of crude steel guiding,Annual crude steel consumption growth is forecast at just 4%. "Downstream weak demand on the one hand, on the other hand, as the upper reaches of iron ore, coke prices rising again, these costs affects the efficiency. "Macro study on Wang Li, an analyst said. It is understood that the real estate industry has always been higher usage of steel industry, demand for its steel products accounted for 60% of the total demand for the leftRight. However in the current real estate industry continue to be downward path. Infrastructure, under the influence of lack of resources, railway investment continued to decline, January-April fixed investment fell railway 43.6%. In addition, sharp drop in export production has also given numerous steel industry strike. 3 May, China's steel industry has suffered trade remedy investigations, two of which is from Turkey and PakistanPeace West respectively for weld pipe rolling steel plate anti-dumping investigations initiated, is with Canada for steel pipe piles of "double reverse" investigation. According to customs statistics showed April exports 4.667 million tons of steel in China, and 361,000 tons last month, fell to 7.2%, down 2.3%. Analysis says that May include steel manufacturers and steelIron distribution enterprises export orders index continued to fall, shrink bands, steel exports in the late or shrinking. [Scroll] Fitch downgraded Spain's credit rating to BBB (06-08) [scroll] according to the State Council for sustainable development should build 3 security line (06-08)[Scroll] shuanghui development shuanghui chilled meat sample product examination qualified (06-08) [scroll], Chairman of the Fund said more optimistic about China's economic disintegration of the eurozone risks (06-08) [scroll] Australia's unemployment rate rose slightly to 5.1% full-time positions employment opportunities increase (06-08: 37) [scroll] analysis of China's central bank interest rate cuts boost stock markets in Europe and America that short-term positive a-share (06-08) [scroll] Beijing June top housing rent increase rent to students (06-08) [scroll] Fitch: If there are no credible fiscal plan United States or downgrade (06-0800:13) [scroll] finance: fighting for asset evaluation method as soon as possible (06-08) [scroll] Declaration of the States members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (06-08) [scroll] European stocks also rose Greece stock indexes rose 3.09% (06-08) [scroll]Spain can hold? Seen before the end of June (06-07) [scroll] reduce deficits cannot sacrifice economic growth (06-07) [scroll] three-year debt maturing local debt to borrow new or old (06-07) [scroll] bond deal with financial woes in Hubei Province (06-073:57) [scroll] "Delta" weathervane "salt mountains" substantive cooperation (06-07) [scroll] battle for Zhejiang foreign trade: export growth for the year 10% (06-07) [scroll] economy slowed sharply reduced electricity consumption gap (06-07)[Scroll] end of June deadline to railway "Yuan" surrender of staggering Sprint (06-07) [scroll] new Lakes of Shanxi coal bosses (06-07) [scroll] single 1.3 trillion of funds into Fujian power of "haixi" construction of major projects (06-07) [scroll] Lu TaiA plan to buy back up to 100 million b-shares out the resumption of (06-07) [scroll] global food prices fell sharply in May (06-07) [scroll] expected joint global Central Bank easing (06-07) [scroll] warming of Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation (06-073:52) [scroll] Ocean quiet here (06-07) [scroll] coal stocks rising energy reform or window open (06-07) [scroll] Mayor's open letter to demand "solutions waste under siege" (06-07) [scroll] Ministry of land and resources: idle in a yearFine confiscated two years (06-07) [scroll] shuanghui announced the "rib" test result said sampling of qualified (06-07) [rolling]TCL Group May LED LCD TV sales jumped 2.32 times times (06-07) [scroll] Russia May internationalReserves greatly reduced (06-07) [scroll] members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization heads of State Council meeting press release (06-07) [scroll] 3.5 years later why the Central Bank cut rates for the first time out? (06-07) [Scroll] Lan Zhang denied South beauty there are financial issues (06-07) [scroll] period is the period for (06-07) [scroll] UBS grafted overseas offshore talent Fund (06-07) [scroll] art trust Alchemy 17 items yields an average of 10.41% (06-07:34) [scroll] household electric appliance industry "of subsidies dependent on" (06-07) [scroll] non-normality of "cross-border" (06-07) [key] deposit interest rate spread to benchmark 1.1 times times | Loans to construction of 0.8 times times | Previous rate cuts | Topics [Analysis] interest rateDegree of further advance | Interest rate cuts for steady growth | First drop of 3.5 years | Micro-heat Liangyu: China adjusts tariffs to stimulate imports | Kevin Rudd: Greece or will continue to remain in the euro zone of Huizhou in Guangdong Province seized 11 tonnes of salt [financial] baotou developer 700 million debt died allegedly as a result of bad real estate sales [finance] Before building up 5,000 approximation control of Beijing China railway electrification Bureau boss Lok Ma [financial] Zhejiang jiangshan credit crisis the Government civil service, deep into [financial] Shanghai steel trade and money tight Bank supports the livelihood of commercial broker [stock] CCB reveals an individual made great contribution to China's capital market [stock] shares the second half blood or the thousandMillions of Chinese nuclear power intends to finance 16 billion [commercial] Li Shanyou: foreign executives afraid to venture capital, Yahoo: self-help continued confusion in the [business] inventory of Huawei's top ten class Apple mode can save Sony entrepreneurship [financial] experts said the extended 5 year age pensioners can increase income over 70% users against [financial] foreign financial earnings skyrocketed up to 10% to buyRevealing the secrets of BMW to take venture capital gold United States Federal Reserve members [China] interview with Dong Fan


129822627348906250_1048.5-generation LCD panels of the LGD of Guangzhou project Foundation Information times (reporter Zhou Qiumin Fu Xin Ye Guo Sun Tingting correspondents Huang Yusui) yesterday, the 8.5-generation of LG Display LCD Panel in Guangzhou project foundation stone laying ceremony was held in Guangzhou City. Deputy Secretary of the provincial party Committee and Governor Zhu xiaodan, Deputy Director of the national development and Reform Commission Zhang xiaoqiang, Vice Minister of Commerce, Chao Wang, Deputy Director of the General Administration and Guangdong BranchRen Lvbin, Member of the Standing Committee and Executive Vice Governor Xu Shaohua, Secretary of the Standing Committee of the provincial party Committee, Guangzhou Municipal Wan qingliang, Vice Governor yufang|diablo 3 power leveling, Korea Ambassador to China, Li Kuiheng, LG, Vice President Jiang Yuzhi, attended the ceremony and a common foundation for the project start to touch the ball. It is understood that LG Display 8.5-generation projects by the global higher-generation LCD LCD panel industryLeading enterprises of Korea LG Display (hereinafter referred to as LGD company), Kay technology of Guangzhou development limited, Skyworth group joint venture "LG display (China) limited" operations. LG display (China) to Guangzhou, Guangdong provincial party Committee and provincial Government solemnly pledged to 8.5-generation of LG Display LCD Panel project is completed, the world's topFlat panel display industrial base. The project was the largest foreign investment in Guangzhou hi-tech projects, total investment of us $ 4 billion, mainly the production of 8.5-generation 2.2 m x m sizes of LCD panels, put into production is expected in 2014, item capacity for 120,000/month, established the most technologically advanced and largest production, one of the LCD panels with the highest output efficiency projects,To speed up the important carrier of the color TV industry upgrade in Guangdong Province.

confused. His songs

129838018898593750_75Wong Ka-Kui mingshou 50 years old younger brother Wong Ka keung microblogging table missing Wong Ka keung in expression to brother Wong Ka-Kui's thoughts on Twitter. Today, NetEase entertainment on June 10, a former band lead singer BEYOND Wong Ka-Kui's 50 years of mingshou, Wong Ka-Kui brother Wong Ka keung Zhang Jiaju Twitter upload performances of old photos, well happy birthday to heaven's Colt, and many users message expressing thoughts of love. Wong Ka-Kui leave meAlmost 19 years, but many fans still have not forgotten him, and as of today 9:50 A.M., forwarding the microblog of 4,594, comments to 2,117, many Netizen yearning is expressed against the colt view my site here, account named "Zhang Zexin" Netizen said: "he, forever young, is the incarnation of soul music, is the Emperor's Club, the, BeyondThe lead singer of the band – Wong Ka-Kui. Everyone has a youth, everyone has the ideal age, everyone will have gloomy and lonely, confused. His songs, can awaken people's potentials in the heart, inspire people to fight. Make life full of hope and enthusiasm. ”

that we need more of Europe

129836519609375000_297Shanghai Bank: fiscal consolidation is expected to boost the euro rebound From June 4 to June 8 weeks, due to the market on expectations that Europe will strengthen the financial and political consolidation, head of G7 Finance Conference call sound came to cooperation in dealing with the crisis risks, China's Central Bank unexpectedly cut interest rates to stimulate the economy, therefore, short jiancang locked profit of euro will have a relatively strong euro lower against the dollar rally. To 68th Asian plate closing, when the dollar index to 83 after opening the week, showing slight touch after high turbulence correction trend sharply, 83.08 could touch on the highest, lowest back to 81.91 Euro 1.2431 against the dollar in early trading, small movements of the shock rebounded sharply after the hit, hit a minimum 1.2384, highest rebound to 1.26252-week highs; Sterling 1.5369 against the dollar in early trading, rendering low rebounded sharply after the consolidation trend, minimum hit a 1.532, highest rebound to 1.56; a $ 0.9699 against the dollar in early trading, small movements of the shock rebounded sharply after the hit, hit a minimum 0.9623, highest rebound to 1.0002 for 3 weeksHigh, 78.07 yen against the dollar in early trading, trend of continuous rally chonggao, minimum hit a 77.96, highest rebound to a 2 week high 79.78; after the US dollar against the Swiss franc to 0.9658 opening, slightly sharp shocks back in touch after high trend, touched on the highest 0.9695, callback 0.9509 of minimum 2-week low points; $Dollar against the Canadian dollar to 1.0393 in early trading, rushed out of the trend of new high reversed sharply after the callback, rushed to the 1.0446 on the top, refreshing year-high record, lowest back to the 1.0206; spot gold 1625.29 in early trading, rendering small chonggao correction trend after, highest rebound to 4-week high of 1640.5, the lowest back to 156144. Due to Spain's banking crisis, therefore, European financial markets to Spain banking closed the door. Spain budget Minister said mengteluozhouchu stages, not to market Spain open their doors. He also called for on June 28 before the EU Summit, should reach consensus on European Banking Union. Although Spain Government officials said restructuring National BankTotal industry capital funding needs little 30.07 trillion euros of capital may also be required, but market concerns Spain banking crisis will be possible for Spain impact government borrowing. European debt crisis a hot fire to Spain banking, although shows that European debt crisis worsened, but may also be a forced the European Union to strengthen Union consolidation opportunities. First, Spain, and France, And Germany and EU policy makers were the subject of intense discussion to discuss how to help Spain to recapitalise its banks in trouble, but you might want to to Spain before the end of June to complete the first phase of independent audits of banks, in order to make a decision. EU economic and Monetary Affairs Executive Member of Wren, the EU Executive Committee have been taken into account by the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) relief funds directlyPossibility to recapitalise banks, although under the current treaties do not have this possibility of France's Finance Minister, mosikeweixi said, France supports the creation of a unified pan-European banking supervision system, and the use of the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) idea of the Rescue Fund for troubled banks to recapitalise; NOWOTNY supported the European Union's European Central Bank tubeLaw, but that the need for a long time now, Germany did not surf lifesavers removed on this proposal, Germany, Angela Merkel, is a member of the Christian Democratic Party senior members Charles McCord said he did not think that the European financial stability facility (EFSF) provisions will allow direct to Spain banking capital. Secondly, the EU is under increasing external pressure, as soon as possible to solve European debt crisisMachine. A copy of the report of the United Nations, euro-zone debt crisis is a major threat to world economic, deterioration of the crisis is likely to lead to further weakness in world economic growth. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) President Christine Lagarde said that euro-zone leaders need to hand out to rescue the euro's overall planning and "common resolve", rather than a deadline. She pointed out that the EuropeanDistrict leaders make decisions is sooner rather than later, they need to agree on a set of principles, to be implemented after. Seven largest industrial Nations (G7) Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors held an emergency conference call, although the meeting did not issue a joint statement, meeting host country United States Treasury Department statement said the G7 discussions "to promote the progress in financial and fiscal Union in Europe",Closely monitoring the development of the situation. Meeting of Japan's Finance Minister, said the G7 Finance leaders agreed on a conference call, will work together to tackle Spain and Greece faced problems. United States White House, President Barack Obama on Wednesday and Germany, Angela Merkel and Italy respectively Prime Minister of Mongolia Dyke phone, discuss the economic situation in Europe, recognized the need to take measures to strengthenToughness and to boost European growth in the euro zone. And, within Europe, the European Central Bank to put pressure on EU leaders. Interest rate decisions of the European Central Bank meeting did not take any action, said Mr Draghi says, President of the European Central Bank, by the European Central Bank should not be to make up for the omission of other bodies. Once again, Germany seems to be determined to EU Summit in June 28, 29thTo adopt action to enhance the integration of the European Union. Germany Angela Merkel said, ready to take action to ensure stability in the eurozone in Europe. Merkel in Berlin and United Kingdom Prime Minister said after the talks, Germany is prepared, together with 16 other euro-zone countries, take all the necessary action. Merkel said: "it is important we emphasize once again, we have to build up a support tool for euro-And Germany are prepared to use these tools when necessary. "But, she added, which refers to the temporary relief fund-euro European financial stability facility (EFSF) and a permanent bailout fund-the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM). Of course, Merkel's position can also be seen, Germany also have reservations. Merkel told ARD public broadBroadcast company said in an interview: "I do not believe that the mere a Summit will decide the major events (further integration of the European Union), but things we did during this time, that is, that we need more of Europe (moreEurope), and June will publish a work plan. "Based on the above information, will further integrate the financial markets for the European Union, the strengtheningExpectations of the Union, such as the United Kingdom Chancellor Osborne said the United Kingdom will be required to ensure that the protective measures in place, when the move to establish a bank in the eurozone to Alliance, protecting United Kingdom financial services. Germany Finance Minister Shuo Hible has said that once the European financial Alliance, will have a chance to make up the European Union, debt-sharing programmes can be implemented. So indeed, EuropeSolution of the debt crisis, because this is exactly what the market considered that is the most effective means to respond to and resolve the eurozone debt crisis and the right approach. Euro boosted by EU to strengthen fiscal consolidation expected, backlash. Rating agency Fitch to lower Spain ratings three from to BBB, and given the negative Outlook, Fitch as the three largest rating agencies giving Spain rated levelsA low, Fitch believes that Spain's banking capital requirements higher than expected, you may need about 60 billion euros, when if more severe, you may need up to 100 billion euros of funds, and Greece puts pressure on contagion risk. However, the bad factors did not affect Spain latest bond auction, Spain sold � 2.1 billion in the longPublic debt in the period, attracted strong buying demand, while issuing costs increased slightly. Market the bonds issued as is Spain a test of confidence, therefore, Spain successfully to issue bonds also boosted market confidence in the euro. Australia's Central Bank announced interest rate cuts by 25 basis points to 3.5%, the lowest level in more than two years; Canada Central Bank as indicators of market is expected to maintain interest rates unchanged at 1% andOnce again raise interest rates may signal after the release; the United Kingdom central banks hold, the Central Bank's move did not have too much of an impact on the market. Australia's economy grew in the first quarter, quarter rate was 1.3%, up from the 0.5% more than double market expectations; released May unexpectedly strong employment in Australia, increasing 38,900 people, far exceeding expectations, depressing markets for AustralianFurther interest rate cuts by the Central Bank expected the Australian dollar gain boost. Ye Lun, Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve on Wednesday gave the Fed should further assist the vulnerable economic reasons, Ye Lun view that risks from current market problems, weakness in the job market and financial conditions deteriorate. Market view, Ye Lun's comments suggested that may be close to the further easing of the Federal Reserve. However|diablo 3 power leveling, the Chairman of the Federal ReserveBernanke in United States Congressional testimony speeches, beating market expectations on QE3 introduced a third round of quantitative easing in the near future, he said that, if financial problems increase, the Fed will take action to protect United States economy, the Fed is paying close attention to Europe's debt crisis and Bank on the United States pose a significant risk of economic recovery. But Bernanke did not give up immediately to take more money and stingStress measures implied. Bernanke's testimony after the release of market optimism hit 5 high risk assets such as the euro currency face resistance. People's Bank of China announced late Thursday as of June 8 down financial institutions RMB deposits and loans of one year, at the same time, adjust the ceiling on deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions to benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times, financial institutionsAdjust the minimum lending rate floating range to 0.8 times times the benchmark interest rate, which is 3.5 years for the first time China's central bank interest rate cuts, liwan of China was issued to the market downturn, activity of stimulating the real economy policy signals. The move incentive impact high risk assets. Recent lead in rally of spot gold price, earlier in the week that is, signs of stagnation, and lead to a correction,If risk weakening the European debt crisis on the one hand, weaken the haven demand for gold; on the other hand is a Gold bull market force QE3 expected loss. From June 11 to June 15, the week, major currency fundamentals focus are as follows: United States: Tuesday, 19:30 United States in May, National Federation of independent business small business confidence index Tuesday, 20:30 United States May export prices and import prices Wednesday, 02:00 United States federal budget on Wednesday May, 20:30 United States May producer price index on Wednesday 20:30 United States May retail sales on Wednesday, 22:00 United States April business inventories Thursday, 20:30 United States May consumer price index Thursday, 20:30 United States first quarterThe current account on Friday, 20:30 United States June New York Fed manufacturing index Friday, 21:00 United States April net flows of international capital on Friday, 21:15 United States industrial production for May on Friday, 21:55 United States June initial euro-University of Michigan consumer confidence index: on Monday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published Spain BankSystem reports on Wednesday, 14:00 Germany May consumer price index on Wednesday, euro-zone industrial production for April 17:00 Thursday, 16:00 Monthly Bulletin of the European Central Bank published Thursday, 17:00, harmonic May consumer prices index end value of the eurozone on Thursday, 17:00 euro-zone labor costs in the first quarter on Thursday, 21:30, Germany's Central Bank ChiefConference Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann spoke at a forum Friday, 17:00 euro-zone first quarter employment change on Friday, 17:00 euro-zone April international trade balance United Kingdom: Tuesday, 07:00 United Kingdom Royal surveyors Association price difference May Tuesday, 16:30 United Kingdom April industrial production and manufacturing output on Tuesday, 16:30, United KingdomApril international trade balance Friday, 16:30 United Kingdom April international trade balance Japan: Monday, 07:50 Japan corporate survey in the second quarter on Monday, 13:00 Japan May consumer confidence on Tuesday, 07:50 Japan May Enterprise commodity price index on Wednesday, 07:50 Japan April machinery orders Thursday, 12:30 Japan 4Month correction in industrial production on Thursday, 11:30 Japan's Central Bank announced interest rate decision: Tuesday, 01:45, Canada's Central Bank President Kearney made a speech on Tuesday, Australia May 08:30 business conditions index Wednesday, June consumer confidence in Australia on Wednesday at 08:30, 15:15 Switzerland May producer price index on Thursday, 07:10 Australia's Central Bank President, Stevens in a speech on the Australian economy and Australian Economic Forum Thursday, 15:30 Switzerland's Central Bank announced interest rate resolution Thursday, 20:30 Canada capacity utilisation in the first quarter on Thursday, 20:30 Canada April new-home prices the latest week on fundamentals, United States market will focus on the May retail sales and MayInflation data. Market expected United States May retail sales will grow by 0.3%, but recent credit consumer spending figures showed retail sales may be cool, but negative is less likely. Data showed that United States economy still in low-speed recovery patterns, is not expected to improve on the Fed's June 19, 20th Conference on interest rate decisions do not push QE3 expected�� Federal Reserve's latest beige book report said United States economic growth has accelerated in the past two months, signs of a modest increase in employment in the labour market. This report and the recent market on United States economy increasingly pessimistic view of opposite, shows that the Federal Reserve without a major policy actions in the near future. In Europe, markets will also focus on further integration of the European Union, the strengthening of theUnion News. Estimate of the European Central Bank's latest report showed that the European Central Bank unexpectedly eurozone economic growth forecast unchanged this year and next, and at the same time reducing the inflation forecast for this year. This means that at the level of the European Central Bank, the euro-zone economy in the second half and not Spain's banking crisis heated up and tended to be pessimistic. So, once a month the European Union peakResults will boost market confidence in the solutions to the European debt crisis, euro sentiment will likely warm. However, on June 17, Greece will hold a general election again, prior to the date of this sensitive, euro bulls are expected to be cautious again. Greece once again election outcome is expected to end may also be no one forces to successfully form a stable majority government, which supportsAnd opposition to the EU rescue plan of the two sides, still close, China. That the European Union needs greater wisdom. Furthermore, Switzerland's central bank interest rate strategy session is expected to continue to show restraint of determination of the strength of the Swiss franc over, that will support the euro against the Swiss franc exchange rate target limit of 1.2. Latest one week, from technical point of view, index, current date line 10 daysBottom line for the channel under the short-term upward path has been broken and the date line MACD indicator appears high in the 0 axis die fork today, line RSI indicator back to 30-70 swing, day line Brin track to run shell nosing, so short was expected to enter high rangebound consolidation phase. Expect resistance level this week or 83.15 near,Near the pole or 81.95. Euro-dollar current date line MACD indicator below the 0 axis appears low gold forks, day RSI indicators rebounded to 30-70 the regional swing, date line Brin track into the running shell nosing, indicating short-term pattern of rangebound set will go into low. Is expected this week, the euro-dollar resistance level in 1.258Near or 0, support or 1.243 nearby. Sterling against the US dollar at present day line MACD indicator below the 0 axis low show signs of gold fork, date line RSI indicators rebounded to 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin track begins to enter the running shell nosing stages, meaning that short-term shocks may run low set.Expected this week, the dollar resistance level in the near or 1.56, support or 1.537 nearby. Australian dollar against the US dollar at present day line divergence of MACD indicator below the 0 axis gold fork upstream, date line RSI indicator for a time into more than 70 strong area, fell to the 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin tracksInto the running shell nosing stages, suggesting that will go into low pattern of rangebound. Expected this week, the Australian dollar resistance level in the near or 0.9930, support in the near or 0.9780. Dollar against the Japanese Yen at present day Golden fork upstream line MACD indicator below the 0 axis, date line resistance-RSI indicators bounced back to near 70,In the 70-30 of the balance between urban, Brin track day line to run again, but the width of the rail tracks from up and down, indicating in a broad pattern of rangebound. Is expected this week, the dollar-Yen resistance level in the near or 79.85, support or 78.65 nearby. Dollar against the Swiss franc at present day line MACD indicator on the 0 axisDead fork appears high, day RSI indicator in 30-70 pinghengshi the regional swing, day line Brin track to run shell nosing, predicts will enter the upper pattern of rangebound. Is expected this week, the Swiss franc against the dollar resistance level in the near or 0.9660, support or 0.9560 nearby. US dollar against the Canadian dollar current date lineMACD death appears high in the 0 axis forks, date line RSI indicator fell back to 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin track steering shell nosing is running, indicating high rangebound ready. Is expected this week, the Canadian dollar resistance level against the dollar in the near or 1.039, support in the near or 1.025. SpotCurrent date line MACD indicator below the 0 axis gold Golden fork sign ascending rhythm has been destroyed, death to fork the sign of change and daily RSI indicator in 30-70 the regional swing, date line Brin rail in horizontal extend patterns, that will run a rangebound market. Expected this week, spot gold resistance level in the near or 1593, supportIn the vicinity of or 1559. (Note: the above technical resistance level of analysis and Asian support are based on Friday's closing price, for reference only, stock market trading, at your own risk. ) Ye Yaoting Shanghai line 2012-6-8

and CHOW Tai Fook Cheng Zhang Sun appointed Mr Cheng says

129823520803750000_584No match for rising star Giordano established casual clothing to change Recently, Giordano casual listed company in Hong Kong (00709. HK) announcement says, and CHOW Tai Fook Cheng Zhang Sun appointed Mr Cheng says (01929. HK) is responsible for China's Chen Shichang as Giordano, Executive Director non-Executive Director for a period of three years, entered into force with immediate effect. Cheng Yu-Tung as one Chinese top ten richest in the world, the most famous is the title of our newChairman of World Development Ltd and CHOW Tai Fook jewellery company limited, across the jewellery, real estate in two main areas. In recent years by Giordano stake into the garment sector. Public information displays, Cheng Yu-Tung now Giordano 24.01% stakes in private companies, is the largest single shareholder of Giordano. Do not meddle in Giordano's daily operations as far as I understand, Mr Cheng says, and Chen Shichang'S appointment was announced in Giordano held recently at the annual General Assembly. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Giordano Guo Quan Liu says, "new world in the future, Chow Tai Fook and Giordano take mainland business to seek cooperation, even taking into account the joint rental shop. However, Guo Quan Liu also stressed that Chen Shichang and Mr Cheng says are non-executive directors, do not represent Zheng Jiahui meddling in Giordano's operation, stake in Giordano's BoardFrame does not appear further change. Just as the largest single shareholder view my site here, he hopes to further understand the functioning of Giordano, makes sense. Giordano was founded in 1980, founded by Hong Kong businessman Mr Lai, specializes in low to medium range of casual wear retailing, listed in Hong Kong in June 1991. In 1993, Giordano began to enter the China market, inAll provinces in the country offering licensed stores. As for the founder, Mr Lai, due to focus on media, gradually took hold of Giordano shares sold to about 2000 years has completely quit the Giordano group. Because of unwinding of the founder, started at the beginning of this century, stake in Giordano to be very scattered, held by the Fund, management is not a major shareholder. -PassSecondary markets to absorb shares, will slowly gain the initiative. So over the past 10 years, Giordano has "taken over" message, in which potential buyers have also included Japan UNIQLO casual large crocodiles. Frequency was later surpassed in spite of early Chinese and mainland Chinese market, but for a dozen years, Giordano is not stable domestic leisure suit "a brother" position, especially in theOn the road to high end, failing to go far. In his early years, to Hong Kong businessmen in the Mainland's major competitors including the German group Yongjia (bannilu brand), bossini, JEANSWEST domestic background, and so on. In recent years, the rapid rise of the beautiful Tess nation prestige, in plain, semir, domestic brand, UNIQLO, international fashion brands such as ZARA, Giordano-frameBecome a threat. Giordano International Limited has announced the 2011 year results showed that its sales for the year amounted to HK $ 5.614 billion in 2010, representing a growth of HK $ 4.731 billion. and American Tess nation prestige 9.9 billion yuan in the same period compared with the growth rate of sales and 33%, have been left behind by far. Hua Jie Advisory clothing industry analystLiang Fenluo believes that with arrival of Cheng Yu-Tung, and CHOW Tai Fook of Hong Kong to the mainland market insight into new world Denver Nuggets, Giordano's at least more likely to have clear objectives for the future development.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

but the development was in the order of "first-tier and second-tier

129838007767187500_27Star Network: network of two or three lines of urban real estate gold rush Star Chen, Chairman of sincere love to own real estate network known as "media people", and for the creation of Star real estate network, he also used to call it "a media". In fact, Zhi Chen has created real estate networking platform for 11 years in a row, and Vincent Mo soufun, e-House China Zhou Xin had successfully listed on the real estate portal sites compared to the big guys, Zhi Chen real estate networkArea, but hardly a "veteran". In 1999, Chen Zhi created-in-room network, is positioned as a local site of Anhui Province, has 17 stations and branches in Anhui Province. "We are creating content on the network, and then gather the user, ultimately through offline sales, to help developers sell real estate. "Understanding of Chen Zhi, real estate networkLike a luxury website, is impossible to produce a lot of online orders, but just pass information to a channel. Business early, real estate speculation and vigorously development,-in-room network has been in "slow heat" State of development. In 1999 when newly established Internet companies, "new wave" of real estate Web sites, is not like other Internet platforms that canLarge fire, Web site start-up time has been difficult. In Anhui of Chen Zhi, soufun, Shanghai has not started in Beijing e-House China natural resources, support of a large number of VC investors, but to scroll through live entirely on their own profits. At that time, are in the central city of real estate developers, also did not share the "real estate Web site" in this direction,Know that the Internet was first-tier cities of "luxury", even Beijing's soufun, also without the developer's identity directly, but rather by means of a published index of real estate information to establish the business model. "Early in order to make money, we even take helps other companies to do site to profit. "Zhi Chen recalls. Since then China's rapid industrial development,Real estate network concept is gradually being accepted by users and market share, but the development was in the order of "first-tier and second-tier view my site here, three-city". In 2006 and 2007 and second-tier cities property sizes and prices began to soar, wait a few years of Chen Zhi finally look forward to a good time. With the expansion of real estate market in two or three lines, many major brands of real estate developers moreBrand to two or three lines of urban land, development property or commercial real estate, which has been adapted to the first-tier cities by investing real estate networking platform for promoting brand developers, such as Star real estate network to two or three lines of urban localization principal clients of network platform of. "At that time, soufun, real estate focus cities real estate network information serviceBrand, started most of the North (Beijing) (the sea)-Canton (State) of deep (Chun), there is deep enough for second-tier cities covered, and real estate network information service, is a localization industry, this is our opportunity. "Zhi Chen recalls. Since then Chen Zhi began to landscape the development strategy, to Anhui as Center, central to other provinces and urban expansion, in every province,To the capital city as the Center, to three-and four-line cities covered; on the way in business cooperation, by means of joint ventures with local companies, to adapt to the characteristics of localized real estate information. Like the wonder of Chen Zhi, he saw a part of JPMorgan Chase, Managing Director and Chairman of China equities and commodities market interview of Li Jing, identified at the beginning of 2010 spreadOpportunities. Jing Ulrich in 2010 a report about, after several real estate market regulation policy, cities have a lot of money will flow to two or three-tier cities, in fact, two or three lines of urban housing prices might increase for some time in the future, two or three lines of urban real estate crunch beneficiaries of policies is a big city. Some time in the future, funding will continue fromCities slowly turned to second-tier cities. By 2010, Zhi Chen began officially to "stars network" to some of its real estate networking platform integrated with two or three lines, Star network has been included at the time such as Anhui, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Tianjin, 29 provinces and cities under the line station, its location in the Midwest early two or three line size of real estate information services. Real estate networkIncome services such as search, Yi Ju, focus etc, also began to increase the depth penetration of two or three line local platforms, it also brings increased competition in the market. In any case, Chen Zhi, how to build a stable profit model, is the most important challenge. As the real estate industry service providers, real estate network company revenue, mainly from real estate advertising, real estateIndustries affected by the significant impact of macro-policy and, in the case of policy tightening, the developers almost always significantly reduced advertising placement, ad placement accordingly fall real estate network. "Starting in 2008 and 2011 ' purchase orders ', two real estate of austerity policies, are relatively large impact on the industry, which has forced us to innovative profit model", Chen Zhi told in mind, Star real estate profit model of the network is to try something new, such as opening real estate group-net read more, for real estate sales agent and intermediary business, or even help customers early in the planning and marketing of real estate.

or even Spain may also require the international community to support the Government itself

129836519608593750_295Spanish Government relies on troubled commercial banks bought its bonds NetEase finance (/8) forwarded to the Twitter local time on June 4, 2012, Spain North near the city of hautvilliers, riot police fired tear gas to break up the procession of coal mine workers. On that day, Spain launch national strike organized by the Trade Union of workers in coal mines. local time on June 4, 2012, Spain North near the city of hautvilliers, riot police fired tear gas to break up the procession of coal mine workers. local time on June 4, 2012, Spain coal mine workersTrade union organizations of the national General strike in opposition to the authorities for the mining industry's cost-cutting policy. http://img3.cache. local time on June 4, 2012, Spain national strike of coal miners launch organized by the Trade Union, striking workers in the blazing fire caused by burning tires on the road. local time on June 4, 2012, Spain national strike of coal miners launch organized by the Trade Union, workers used tyres and blocking roads, then they will be the tires ignited. local time on June 4, 2012, SpainCoal miners launch organization of a national strike by trade unions, strikers blazing fire caused by burning tires. local time on June 4, 2012, Spain launch national strike organized by the Trade Union of workers in coal mines, the strikers tyres and blocking roads, then tires ignited. local time on June 4, 2012, Spain launch national strike organized by the Trade Union of workers in coal mines. NetEase finance, June 8-Spain Government on Thursday sold all the planned auction of government bonds, However the largest buyers of bonds is increasingly fragile banks in the country. This fact led to a curious phenomenon: in Spain the Government through the issuance of government bonds and financing ready to rescue banks when suddenly found its salvation in Madrid's biggest creditors in the future may be in the same party, this trend looks more like a vicious circle. Economists warn long-termSpain will face enormous financial difficulties, unless foreign investors returning to the market as the regular buyers to inject money into the system. Until the end of last year, foreign investors still played the role, but the withdrawal of large amounts of foreign capital after Spain sidelines. Overseas investors to hold Spain bond suspicious, scared of Spain double pressures of the financial and banking crisis. WeekFour rating Fitch announced after the close of the European cut Spain three, Spain from a sovereign credit downgrade to BBB means that the country's credit only above junk level. Rated people think now is not just Spain banks need rescue, or even Spain may also require the international community to support the Government itself, and in this case the bond holder is likely to face enormousLosses. Royal Scottish bond strategist Karen said: "we think Spain will need a comprehensive bailout plan. From the period of Spain may not be sustainable yields of bonds and a need for a comprehensive economic recovery plan ". (Phytoplankton) [scroll] on June 8, 2012 financial news list (06-08: 14) [scroll] hengbang shares enjoy high performance thickening 12% corporate tax breaks last year (06-08) [scroll] building B5 85,200 units per cent drop in motorcycle sales 20.7% (06-08) [scroll] Chang May sell 140,000 cars per cent increase of 13.3% (06-08) [scroll] 17.6% Faw xiali May sales of 16,000 vehicles per cent drop (06-08) [scroll] United States April trade deficit fell to $ 50.1 billion (06-08) [scroll] experts believe: ASEAN and East Asia are speeding up regionalEconomic integration (06-08) [scroll] sunny accommodation $ 55 million loan will run until December 7 (06-08) [scroll] nine doors to be closed 93 substandard pig slaughtering plant (06-08) [scroll] said the European Commission may at any time and rescue SpainBanking (06-08) [scroll] total assets of the banking industry 105 trillion at the end of last year six eastern provinces account for more than half (06-08) [scroll] resignation of Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree developed fundraising increases not more$ 1.73 billion on resumption from the 11th (06-08) [scroll] United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected (06-08) [scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator:Derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] under the US stocks lower on Friday the DowFall 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices sharplyDecline (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices below market expectationsReason (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's May global same-store salesIncrease 3.3% (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy approved private placementHaitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai 7.58 per cent per litre of gasoline, 93rd(06-08) [Scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: Chinese rate cut delivered steady growth signals (06-08: 37) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) Of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG:The most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] BankSilver fell regardless of performance in the insurance business not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] before the venture must ask question 8Question venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40 view my site here,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

the company immediately returned later in my two weeks notice

129838018880781250_28Fan Wei Qi-visit of the red and white for retaining little sister swallow lens is frozen Fan Wei Qi and Chang. Fan Wei qi. NetEase entertainment on June 10 report of the victory of the red-white-red-white and I today (June 10) will put on PK wars classic idol groups, ex-idols of youth groups "Red Boy" and "beautiful Duet" dancing in an embarrassing situation. "Beautiful Duet" only Wen a competitor is "Red Boy", one's face was glum immediately said: "this is a classicLike duel! Red boy is my childhood Idol of the Lord! Our group until 1998, they were in 1989, yay! So unfair! ”。 "Beautiful Duet" 2 people up Korean Air women's team challenge "girl time" songs diablo 3 power leveling, only "butterfly sleeves" is Rob play, Chang, Ko fan laugh is "women's age", made only Wen tears to shed Studios on the spot, scared ChairMan little sister swallow! And upgraded people wife and just made tablets of "Fan Fan" Fan Wei Qi, in program in the large show piano since bomb since sing, more and Super131 and V-Band cooperation two segment fine mining performances, in accept access Shi also since aeration, debut then due to being "comprehensive art Rookie", does not knows accounted for bit has retaining has "comprehensive art godmother" host small Yan sister of lens, gas was guide broadcast loudly shouted CUT, frightened by brokerage firms, back is immediately frozen for two weeks! Fan Fan says with a laugh: "that went back, the company immediately returned later in my two weeks notice, on afraid to let me go! Really super embarrassing! ”


129823520704843750_374Huiyuan Juice twice a day a different response to deny foreign body door called bacteria Recently, users have made Twitter under warranty call the Huiyuan Juice found in unknown plastic foreign bodies, attracted the attention of consumers. Center for China financial reporter interviews the Huiyuan Juice PR, PR staff has two different explanations are given. Ms PR Luan Mingyang told reporters, foreign bodies for the bacteria, and bacteria blocks appear quite normal。 While the PR and Hu Wei told reporters, foreign bodies are bacteria have yet to be identified view my site here, is unable to give a precise reply. Online Twitter exposes drinking Huiyuan out "like the intestines of objects" on May 21, user "Walnut Peter Pan" small said: "drink, ready to flip on the cover of time, I found the flip cover behind some wrong. Why so dirty to see productionDate 2011.12.23, should not expire before watching TV reports, foreign objects inside the box, did I win? "Subsequently, the user issued a set of Huiyuan to drink the real figure out foreign bodies. Journalists from see on picture, foreign body surface of pot in the photo, has a lot of bumps, and both sides have different colors. User reviews: "The pros and cons, I it was grape juice, really not juice of the large intestine. I don't find the Huiyuan Juice official Twitter to explain who I was = vulnerable groups of consumers. "Netizens" Walnut Peter Pan "then the micro-Bo added, I said like the intestines of objects. Just describes his degree of nausea. Should be some kind of rubber like, not really gut. Why the foreign body? Huiyuan has two entirely different response reporter has learned, friends "Walnut Peter Pan" has been kind to Huiyuan company Manager in the hands of Inspector diablo 3 power leveling, waiting for test results and responses. Huiyuan Juice Ms PR Luan Mingyang Center for China financial reporter in an interview said, companies and consumers to communicate. She also said that the meeting source is hundred percent fruit juice, no addedPlus, without intervention of external additives such as sugar or preservatives, pigments. Foreign body occurs, on the one hand may be a consumer not drinking for a long time after the opening, causing long bacteria. Other hand, or leakage of, consumer storage caused by improper packaging during transport. Ms Loan response soon, received net financial centre of China Huiyuan PR staff and Hu Wei back. He said that is still neededStep in understanding consumers place the juice of time, foreign bodies are bacteria also have yet to be identified. And Hu Wei said, the company is working with consumer consultation, waiting for the test results report will take some time, yet does not give a reply. Ms Center for China financial reporter for the Loan that "foreign body gel for bacteria", calling into question and Hu Wei. And Hu Wei said, Ms Loan response onlySpeculation does not represent test results. And Hu Wei said, drink place for too long the formation of mildew or cause a foreign body. For example, the Kaifeng provides beverage to drink is completed within 24 hours, if it takes too long to place, would certainly lead to qualitative changes. "The ' real ' (of a foreign body gel) detection of relevant departments," he said. Journalists on the staff of Huiyuan twice gives differentReply again, call the company to check PR, but as of press, has not been a clear reply. About Huiyuan Juice drink event of the plastic foreign bodies, China financial center also sustained attention. (Net financial center in China)

While Robin van Persie

129838042549375000_49Argentina three streams of Defense than the Netherlands to win the ball still needs to be near the top man Yeah sporting on June 10: Argentina 4-3 beat Brazil, world focus on Massey, and Barcelona Star hat-trick is truly breathtaking, but it also conceals the Argentina defence weak ills. Throw 3 balls can win without Messi, Argentina may taste the bitter pill of defeat. First-class offensive, defense of three streams, this is Argentina gave the most intuitiveImpression. 2 years ago South Africa World Cup, Maradona led Messi, Aguero, Yi Guayin, rice, Samuel Alito den Super attack, but all on the rear line is a time bomb. Savilla still does not solve the problem, so 4-3 won the Brazil, is not so much a victory, Messi than individual shows. Pablo Zabaleta, Clement, Fernandez and CanadaGray, such a defense, and Yi Guayin, Massey, di Maria, Aguero world top offensive line compared to fame, it would be too ugly. Against Brazil campaign, this line of defence was being ravaged turns. Cannot stop Hurk-tank breakthrough, also neimaer clever variable to nothing, can't find the route to stop passing the ball to Oscar, busy and confusing�� Argentina, also won the Brazil is unpopular. Coincidentally, 2010 South Africa World Cup runner-up Netherlands, Argentina closer to trend. Orange clothing Corps in the European Cup group stage first 0-1 lost to Denmark, fandeweier Williams, Feulard, Heitinga composition, and defense and Argentina a fight. We may wish to look at the Netherlands team lostBall: Denmark midfielder deli easily over Heitinga, door penetrated Stack forts. After the decommissioning of Giovanni van Bronckhorst, Netherlands defense more nerves. Netherlands and Argentina the same boat and can rank the attack strength of the two teams in the top two in the world, but defense standards, than in the Middle even! Argentina is "South Netherlands", Netherlands is the "European Argentina", youI, I have you, can be called it takes two. But the difference is, Argentina Messi, 73 balls of this person in the past year, Club, national team 9-ball, and wild harvesting of 82 balls! While Robin van Persie, hengtelaer scoring ability is quite good, but compared to Macy's Dan, is also lacking. Defense is a team based on fundamental, both Netherlands,Is Argentina, their offense just needs a little Polish is able to take to the table, but the defense, which is a long-term project. Netherlands needs more of Jaap Stam, Frank-deboer appears diablo iii power leveling, and Argentina is calling for more Samuel, Roberto Ayala.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tin Chak Estate information down 4.25% Diablo 3 CD-KEY Tin Chak Estate information down 4.25% - KF

129833943167968750_315715.93 points fall Kang Zhi collection, the gem pharmacy daily limit Gem on June 5 advance in early trading, weaker shock. As of closing, the gem at 715.93, down 1.17 points, or 0.16%; gem coal at 710.03 Diablo 3 CD-KEY, down 1.52, 0.21%, sold for $ 6.981 billion. On the face of it, rising stocks, Kang Zhi pharmacy daily limit, three dimensionalWire up 5.66%, with rose 5.25% of science and technology, Shanghai Kai Po 4.67%, eco-up 4.55% man of iron. Falling stocks, Tin Chak Estate information down 4.25%, lang source shares fell 4.15%, Wan Bangda down 4.01%. Securities times yesterday from the departments concerned that, at present Diablo 3 power leveling, the relevant sector for foreign enterprises to issue currency unitGeneral idea of the work of research and communication, institutional rules, available on the International Board also there is no timetable. Shanghai Stock Exchange said yesterday, the International Board has no recent substantive initiatives. Message on the International Board to launch, mentioned several times by the market since last year, in the short term is causing greater volatility of shares market Diablo 3 CD-KEY, but proved the International Board to launch has not beenA clear timetable. Others:


129838018890468750_53 <a href="">TERA Power Leveling</a>Reshoot quick strokes of the zombie world war writers of the lost fire Famous writer Damon Lindelof acts as a fire captain SWTOR Credits, modify the script to the zombie world war. Mtime time network on June 10 the 007: tore through the new film, quantum of solace Director Marc Forster recent zombie world war seems to be caught in the production phase of agglutination. A few days ago, the Prometheus writer Damon Lindelof was castUnder emergency modify the script. And Marc Forster will be between September and October of this year to shoot some scenes in the movie. By Brad Pitt TERA Gold, mirui·yinuosi, zhanmusi·Beiji·daier and other famous movie stars starred in the science fiction of the same name adapted from makesi·bulukesi under the zombie world war, postwar investigators through the United Nations campaign to destroy the worldZombie survivors of the war of the States survey showing a fictional world war. Now, what about script modify the contents remains unknown. It is learnt that the zombie world war will be released in 2013 on June 21. Others:

06-08 SWTOR CD-key 06-08 - MXCW

129835668790156250_465United States students applying to business school have a GRE score can GMAT exam is a globally recognized business schools the entrance examination, get United States and European recognition of most business schools, and therefore will not be replaced by GRE examinations. GRE school approved applicants will be one more choice. GMAT exam is a globally recognized business schools the entrance examination, get United States and European recognition of most business schools, and therefore will not be GRE replaced by examination. GRE school approved applicants will be one more choice Beijing, Secretary General of the Association of Overseas Affairs, kunpeng International President, Mr Hu Weihang comments, for Chinese students, GRE and GMAT examinations need to be prepared for a long time SWTOR CD-key, generally only take an exam, so the major options can only be determined before the exam, such as theEconomics and finance, General Economics majors require GRE scores, financial majors require GMAT scores, and gradually were recognized and accepted by schools in the GRE exam conditions, as long as the applicants have a GRE score, one more choice on the basis of the original choice of profession. GRE does not completely replace the GMAT exam Beijing Overseas AffairsView of the industry association: GMAT exam is a globally recognized business schools the entrance examination, get United States and European recognition of most business schools, and therefore will not be replaced by GRE examinations. However, under the influence of the financial crisis, United States will fall in number of business applications, apply for higher professional technical content, such as science and engineering (major in engineering and computer)Student number will be incremented. In addition, judging from employment and professional development, study abroad professional choices become more rational, more and more students began to combine professional and employment planning, therefore, larger employment chances of students in science and engineering will be more concerned about. Therefore Diablo 3 CD-KEY, GRE exam candidates will significantly improve. Experts advise which test should you choose "Continuous with "Finally, if the applicant prepared applications for United States business schools, so it is important to determine your application for professional orientation and a clear distinction between the application of professional requirements. Zhang Meng says, if you select business, such as marketing management, finance, business administration major, must be ready for the GMAT score. Instead, if the application of science and technology, the applicants should be ready for the GRE scores�� In short, United States network recommended that students apply for studying abroad United States colleges see different schools and different requirements for different professional language, then decided to enter what type of language examinations, will produce, not too much fuss who lost schooling opportunities. [Scroll] Fitch downgraded Spain's credit rating to BBB (06-08)[Scroll] according to the State Council for sustainable development should build 3 security line (06-08) [scroll] shuanghui development shuanghui chilled meat sample product examination qualified (06-08) [scroll], Chairman of the Fund said more optimistic about China's economic disintegration of the eurozone risks (06-08)[Scroll] Australia's unemployment rate rose slightly to 5.1% increase in full-time jobs employment opportunities (06-08) [scroll] analysis of China's central bank interest rate cuts boost stock markets in Europe and America that short-term positive a-share (06-08) [scroll] Beijing June gains a strong student-housing rent rent (06-0800:14) [scroll] Fitch: If there are no credible fiscal plan United States or downgrade (06-08) [scroll] finance: fighting for asset evaluation method as soon as possible (06-08) [scroll] Declaration of the States members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (06-08) [scroll] European stocksAll rose at Thursday's Greece stock indexes rose 3.09% (06-08) [scroll] Spain can hold? Seen before the end of June (06-07) [scroll] reduce deficits cannot sacrifice economic growth (06-07) [scroll] three-year debt maturing local debt to borrow new orThe old (06-07) [scroll] bond deal with financial woes in Hubei Province (06-07) [scroll] "Delta" weathervane "salt mountains" substantive cooperation (06-07) [scroll] battle for Zhejiang foreign trade: export growth for the year 10% (06-07: 57) [scroll] economy slowed sharply reduced electricity consumption gap (06-07) [scroll] end of June deadline to railway "Yuan" surrender of staggering Sprint (06-07) [scroll] new Lakes of Shanxi coal bosses (06-07) [scroll] single 13 SWTOR Credits,000Millions of money into Fujian power of "haixi" construction of major projects (06-07) [scroll] Lu Tai a plan to buy back up to 100 million b-shares out the resumption of (06-07) [scroll] global food prices fell sharply in May (06-07) [scroll] expected global central banksLoose (06-07) [scroll] warming of Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation (06-07) [scroll] Ocean quiet here (06-07) [scroll] coal stocks rising energy reform or window open (06-07) [scroll] Mayor an open letter"Seeking solutions for waste under siege" (06-07) [scroll] Ministry of land and resources: idle in a fine year confiscated two years (06-07) [scroll] shuanghui announced the "rib" test result said sampling of qualified (06-07) [rolling]TCL Group May LED LCDTV sales jumped 2.32 times times (06-07) [scroll] Russia international reserves May significantly reduce (06-07) [scroll] members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization heads of State Council meeting press release (06-07) [scroll] 3.5 years later why the Central Bank cut rates for the first timeRelease at this time? (06-07) [Scroll] Lan Zhang denied South beauty funding (06-07) [scroll] period is the period for (06-07) [scroll] UBS grafted overseas offshore talent Fund (06-07) [Scroll] art trust Alchemy 17 items yields an average of 10.41% (06-07) [scroll] household electric appliance industry "of subsidies dependent on" (06-07) [scroll] non-normality of "cross-border" (06-07) [key] deposit interest rate spreadTo benchmark 1.1 times times | Loans to construction of 0.8 times times | Previous rate cuts | Topics [Analysis] interest rate marketization degree to further advance | Interest rate cuts for steady growth | First drop of 3.5 years | Micro-heat Liangyu: China adjusts tariffs to stimulate imports | Kevin Rudd: Greece or will continue to remain in the euro zone of Huizhou in Guangdong Province seized11 tons of salt [financial] baotou developer 700 million debt died allegedly as a result of bad real estate sales [finance] before building up 5,000 approximation control of Beijing China railway electrification Bureau boss Lok Ma [financial] Zhejiang jiangshan credit crisis the Government civil service, deep into [financial] Shanghai steel trade and money tight Bank supports the livelihood of commercial broker[Stock] CCB reveals an individual made great contribution to China's capital market [stock] shares the second half blood or the billions of Chinese nuclear power intends to finance 16 billion [commercial] Li Shanyou: foreign executives afraid to venture capital, Yahoo: self-help continued confusion in the [business] inventory of Huawei's top ten class Apple mode can save Sony entrepreneurship [financial] experts said the extension 5Year age pensioners can increase income over 70% users against [financial] foreign financial earnings skyrocketed up to 10% for revealing the secrets of buying a BMW to take venture capital gold United States Federal Reserve members [China] interview with Dong Fan Others:

06-08 Diablo 3 power leveling 06-08 - TPSC

129836519541718750_165Brokerage lijian ten target share examples of shares or 42% NetEase NetEase finance, June 8-financial statistics, institutions for investment in real estate, construction of South today, such as 10 shares and give the maximum target price in the near future. Report: 20.27 hengtong photoelectric stock pool 601,688 huatai securities "such research report rating of the company introduced" investment real estate: sales lead the enterprise-dRecommend strong sales growth continues to lead the housing and enterprises. According to our calculation of track, as of mid-May, contract sales of about $ 10.5 billion, subscription of over 12 billion dollars, agency sales have reached half of the 11 year. Company sales growth continues to lead the housing enterprise, estimating 1 agency sales at about $ 8.5 billion, accounting for 11 year 40%,China vanke, poly signed up in January-April sales only accounted for 11 years and 32%. South building: cities grow overweight rating and three or four lines South building focused on three or four lines in the city, relying on the exploration of construction industry-wide chain. With rich land reserves and low cost competitive advantage. The end of 2011, total interest settlement11.6 million m2 of land reserves, reserves of 10.5 million m2 of land available in interest (supporting business accounted for about 24%), meeting the company 5 years development. Everbright securities: the market share report of Commission rate two-liter, corporate revenue of $ 969 million SWTOR CD-key, down 27%, 0.94% per cent drop; implementation vested in the owner of the parent company's net income 3. $ 4.1 billion, down 40%, monthly 101%; attributed to parent company shareholders ' equity at end of $ 22.1 billion. Basic and diluted earnings per share of $ 0.0996, after the arrest of non-earnings per share of $ 0.0992. Northeast securities: profit improved significantly warmer proprietary business quarter of 2012 quarter Northeast securities total revenues of 2.$ 600 million, up by 30% and rose 99%; one-quarter net profit of 50 million Yuan, up by 53% per cent achieving sharp turnarounds (2011 quarter loss of 180 million yuan); 1-quarter profit decline mainly because brokers business revenue and expense ratio increased; and also profit improved significantly from the cost rate lower.The end, the company's net worth is $ 3.1 billion, net assets per share of 4.9 million. Keli far: acquisition of rare earth separation and extending to the upper reaches of the industrial chain of enterprises shares intended to be issued to the Cao Youmin directed the company to purchase its homey re 80% stakes, at the same time Rift CD-key, the company intended to be subject to far outside the holding and Zhong Faping is not more than 10 specific investors ' non-public offeringShares to raise matching funds, fundraising amount not exceeding 25% of the total amount of the transaction, used part of the funds for the purchase of Cao Youmin hung rare remaining 20% shares, the remaining matching funds used for supplementary liquidity. Keli far after acquiring rare Hong, a listed company to the upstream industry chain development. In rare earth processing on the basis of, the nickel-metal hydride batteriesMaterials for further extension of improve the market competitiveness of listed company's main battery. Beijing new building material: gypsum board leader of sustainable high growth North new building materials in the future, we believe that a good momentum of development, EPS is expected in 2012 and 2013 companies and 1.21 respectively. Corresponds to the current stock price PE-11.42And 8.53, target price $ 18.5, give the company a "buy" rating. Bbmg: deep "real estate building material" vertical industry chain since April, with the infrastructure work, company's cement production capacity utilization rate rose, as follow-up capacity release, expected in 2012 sales of 40 million tons of cement clinker, an increase of 8.9%. In the subsequentLoose policies accumulated under collaboration is expected to gradually increase the effectiveness, June price or combined once again stopped in North China kiln. Company's new building materials including furniture materials, insulation, heat-resistant materials and logistics, is expected to maintain double-digit growth this year. Zhengtai electric appliance: leader in the field of low voltage electrical apparatus in China in 2011, the company revenues$ 8.29 billion, is the absolute leader in the industry, leading the second-ranked German forces west of more than 1 time. Company by virtue of Wenzhou Yueqing complete industry chain and the country of Wenzhou businessmen doing business channel support, enables low-cost rapid expansion; in recent years through research and development to improve product performance and improve dealer team, leader in the field of further consolidation in the low-endPosition. Yunnan germanium: sign a major contract can become more powerful 35,500 lens, 300,000 sets of infrared optical GE solar cell using germanium single crystal germanium chloride fibre grade four of the tablets, 30 tons estimated 2013 have been built, today announced the 800,000 tablets of gallium arsenide polishing wafers Super-raising project after 2013, all new capacity as Gao MaoGood product, gross profit margin 35%~55%, especially gallium arsenide project reaches the postpartum can not only provide 16 million profit for the company, gallium in English and solves the problem of shortage of raw materials. We believe that the results for the company in the next two years will leap to upgrade. Hengtong photoelectric: acquisition of limited performance thickening maintain outperform rating investment acquired his holding in the company to the South of Heng Kone25% stake in the cable, after completion of the acquisition, the company will hold huntoon 100% stake in the power cable. Acquisition of sources of the company's own funds, equity value assessed value is $ 89.553 million. [Scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] Ministry of Finance announced trial politicalCatalogue of the House to purchase items (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize the health sector usersAeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil establishedSubsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] v-TI intends to raise not more 12 billion to buy of panzhihua steel subsidiary of angangMining assets (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policies meet the entitiesRelief requirements (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points in electric power enterprise financial costs (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Diablo 3 power leveling, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption(06-08) [Scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] 1200 poor farmers will choose the poor households in ChongqingProject (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-084) [scroll] expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [Scroll] since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Bank scroll fell to 6.28 times times forward earnings (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | AroundLin Bo Qiang | topic: modified by the fall in oil prices high | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: productsChlorine content in ultra-United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [share] two outflows of 8 billion shares being the bank stocks to buyPoint to the [shares] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [Financial management] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others:

reporter Hu Shanan TERA Power Leveling reporter Hu Shanan - JEKX

129834159839952500_97Xinhuanet, Fuzhou, June 5 (reporter Hu Shanan)-4th reporters learned from the Fujian Provincial Department of foreign trade and economic cooperation Diablo 3 Gold, sanming land Hong Kong project is now completed, customs, State inspection had been stationed in the port sector, the project starts trial operation. Sanming 1000 acres of land planning in Hong Kong land, a total investment of about $ 2 billion, construction of three phases, the first phase of project investment of about $ 100 million Diablo 3 gold, phase II, A three-phase project is expected to start in the second half.   At this point TERA Power Leveling, the four land port in Fujian province (Wuyi Shan, Jinjiang, LongYan, sanming) has been completed and put into operation. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

the Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province TERA CD-key the Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province - VVTI

129835668808281250_510Get rid of low-end manufacturing built aviation in Wenzhou City Take "two two sea change" national strategy of Wenzhou, the industry also in speeding up the transition. On June 3, the Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou City Party Committee Secretary Chen Derong said in investigation of the new city of Wenzhou airport, construction of "air city" is the development of Wenzhou's transformation strategy and industrial transformation and upgrading of key links. "Airport-related economy characteristics of high end and outward. "Civil aviation University of ChinaThe invading Cao Yunchun, Director Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Institute of economic thought, if "air city" in Wenzhou real fell to the ground, would mean to low-end manufacturing of Wenzhou "dog economy" will move towards the high end. Transition to the new engine "air city" concept in Wenzhou is open for the first time at the end of last year. On December 5, 2011, Chen Derong in Wenzhou City leaders pointed out that the General Assembly, temperatureState to "widen the framework SWTOR Power Leveling, speeding up the modern traffic such as airports, railroads, highways as the focus of a major infrastructure construction, actively explore and build air city". Although "air city" does not appear in the national economic and social development of Wenzhou "Twelve-Five" programme for the development of, but to create "air city", city planning is also appeared in February of this yearWenzhou 11th Party Congress and in the reports of the two sessions. On February 17, the "air city" concept was introduced by Cao Yunchun, Wenzhou City, employed as a policy expert members of the Advisory Committee. Behind this is the dilemma of Wenzhou's transformation. Chen Derong pointed out in the report on the work of the Congress, Wenzhou economic restructuring has lagged behind, lack of industrial development platform supporting high end elementsIt is difficult to gather, transformation of economic structure adjustment and development progress quickly. As a new urban development model, "air city" may be able to meet the transition of Wenzhou looks forward to. "Aviation city behind the high-end economy, can become Wenzhou regional economic transformation engine. "Cao Yunchun said. Construction of Wenzhou, Chen Derong has admitted that the current predicament is "aviationMetropolis "of power. In his view, stuck in the low end of Wenzhou manufacturing industry has no future, it is impossible to walk path of heavy chemical industry, "as the main directions of the development of modern service industry must be". Chen Derong considers the need to adjust the industrial structure TERA CD-key, Wenzhou has "air city" exploration conditions. He pointed out that, Wenzhou is promoting "two two sea change" national strategy implementationShi, and has a temperature of marketing networks, regional geography, etc "good weather, favorable terrain, and" condition. On March 25,-air passenger transportation in Taipei officially opened in Wenzhou, Wenzhou and Taiwan time to nearest city on the Mainland. "To become the city of Wenzhou airport to Taiwan interchange, which will give greater throughput at the airport. "Cao Yunchun said�� Group Chairman Su Youcan has indicated to the media that the Wenzhou airport, Wenzhou yongqiang airport in June last year upgraded to an international airport. "As the core of the international airport, are expected to cluster associated with the aviation industry in high-end manufacturing, high-tech industries and modern services, attracting a large number of multinational corporations, large enterprises and top talent into. "In fact, throughput of Wenzhou airportA major challenge is the development of the economy of Wenzhou. Based on publicly available data, in 2011, the Wenzhou yongqiang airport throughput 5.598 million people. "Airport-related economy based on the airport, but the Wenzhou airport was not very strong. "Cao Yunchun said. Cao Yunchun believes that throughput of 10 million passengers a year, or can form the starting phase of the development of aviation metropolis, which isWenzhou airport in 2015 to reach the target. "It will take on the adjustment of industrial structure in Wenzhou, makes its own demands for air transport capacity. "Cao Yunchun said," in addition, a need to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign cities. "As a result, in addition to Taiwan's butt, Wenzhou is also hoping the airport forms its radiation to the South of Fujian province. Chen Derong, South of Wenzhou City population size and carry radiation Fujian, have the ability to build a regional central city conditions, Chen believes that construction of new airport "Centre for regional development in the South of Fujian Province" plan. At the same time, the plan or the Wenzhou Government has "doing nothing" roles changing. "The construction of airport-related economy requires a lot of infrastructure constructionSet, enterprises cannot do alone, need effective guidance. "Cao Yunchun said. Cao Yunchun also pointed out that aviation Metropolitan building could not "building in order to build", but rather as relying on the natural environment, so as to attract higher-end of the economy come to Wenzhou as the kernel. Others:

. 2012 and accounts receivable turnover inventory turnover is expected to improve Diablo 3 gold . 20

129823520841250000_664Fu Ruite loading: application around the LNG industry chain downstream extension 2011 jump in revenues. In 2011, low temperature storage and transportation equipment revenues of $ 628 million, 78% per cent of operating revenues, operating income rose by 89.3% to achieve rapid growth. Low-temperature storage and transportation equipment companies can be divided into four main categories: LNG vehicle supply systems, LNG skid-mounted gas station, skid-mounted natural gas liquidInstallation and general low-temperature storage and transportation equipment, skid-mounted natural gas liquefaction unit no contribution revenues last year and the remaining three parts about: HK $ 230 million, $ 200 million and $ 200 million, and prizing the LNG vehicle supply system stations are achieving growth of more than 100%. In 2011, the company produced LNG prizing station about 100, Selling around 78; LNG sales with bottles of 10,800. LNG bottle and prizing for vehicle gas filling stations market competition, company production of lower production costs, and increased customer training link to increase customer satisfaction. At present, the industry has a capacity expansion of competitors and new entrants on the new production capacity makes competition more fierce, the company last year LNG market share in the 50% of the car with a bottle of the above, brand or company car with a bottle in the 2012 continues to maintain a high market share. We estimate that the 2011 national total prizing station about 250 seats, skid-mounted gas station of the company's market share is about 30% or so. Company intends to adjust products structure, surrounding the LNG industry chainTour extension. On one hand, companies increase investment in research and development to enhance liquefaction of skid-mounted equipment used (at present, the company produced 3~4 of liquefaction unit 60% for spare parts, of which 50% is imported. Liquefaction equipment of key equipment for compressor, the adoption of Japan devices) and Engineering Division of the company development in the form of natural gas, coal gas and cokeFurnace exhaust gas liquefaction project general contracting business, enhance the company's competitiveness in the LNG industry; on the other hand, the company actively advance in technology of manufacture of automobile engine oil to gas reserves and working. Short term, the inputs above benefits will have a negative impact for the company, but long term, it will contribute to improving the core competitiveness of the company. Companies aiming to pry-mountedLiquefaction equipment with three, currently in liquefaction plants about 5, 2012 is about contribution revenues of around 120 million (2011 year contribution revenues). 2012 and accounts receivable turnover inventory turnover is expected to improve, two indicators have been incorporated into the management and the staff Department evaluation system. 4 comparable companies in the sector (land, sea and heavy industries, Zhang Huaji shares, Sichuan China, New mechanical and electrical) average as the destination, and linked to the performance appraisal, 2012 operating levels of the company a new level as the probability of the event. LNG plant phase �� project fast and easy expansion projects this year will be cold and tank production, gradually contribute revenue to the company. Where LNG plant phase �� project in 7 ~ August production; expansion of fast and easy cooling and storage tankProject by the end of production, and contributed about 100 million revenue for the company. Currently, skid-mounted gas station's capacity of about 120 units/year, vehicles with a cylinder capacity of about 20,000 units/year, in 2011 Diablo 3 gold, the company's capacity utilization rate is approximately 60%. Summing up the above TERA Power Leveling, we believe that the company's capacity is not an issue, end-market demand is the crux of the problem. Hand orderEnsures that the 2012 sales to a certain extent. At the end of 2011, the company in order to (including tax): LNG liquefaction of skid-mounted units (2~2.5 billion), skid-mounted gas station (150 million), LNG gas cylinders of vehicles (more than 100 million), general storage equipment at low temperature (more than 200 million), seawater desalination and heat exchange equipment (more than 100 million), the valve(0.3~0.4 billion). In January-April this year, the company added orders greater than revenues per year, partly to ensure the company revenues in 2012. Profit forecasts and investment advice: we estimate that the company 12-14 EPS $ 1.36, and 1.75, respectively, net profit growth rate respectively SWTOR Power Leveling, 29.4%And 30.6%. Taking into account the company brand and size advantages of LNG storage and transport equipment, and companies around the LNG industry chain downstream extension, coupled with the implementation of stock option incentive this year, maintaining the company "recommended" rating. Risk: LNG vehicle and LNG prizing station extension speeds not up to expectations, growing price war Others:
