Monday, June 11, 2012

Microsoft TERA Gold Microsoft - UWKC

129828564360312500_29Media suggested the new Motorola's move to abandon the sea tactics As the company completes the Motorola mobile technology company mergers and acquisitions, new team in Office, what should I do next? What to do? Start to become a focus of concern in the industry. Worthy of note is, from China's Ministry of Commerce agreed to purchase the Google list of Motorola mobile announces new executives, however three days before and after. As you can imagine, this new "leadership" the dust has settledSettled behind compete also has a "vision". Even if the new Motorola mobility CEO Dennis · wood match (DennisWoodside) also did not show any substantive strategies, some well-known comments IT organizations can't wait for the new Motorola developed out of the prescription. One of the most prominent is United States renowned IT magazines eWeek, he thinks, "with the help of Google, Motorola now can reduce the volume of sales of products, focusing on the products most likely to be hit with consumers. "It looks like Apple-style" single combat "road. This is a all coveted, but perilous road. UPS and downs of "fine" road "in the past few years, motorcycle lawHas made a bad decision, and launched a lot of unnecessary equipment. With the help of Google, Motorola now can reduce the volume of sales of products, focusing on the products most likely to be hit with consumers. "EWeek believes that Motorola launched the device number of the less and the more creative, the better. Careful not actually difficult to find, Google motorcycle lawFuture of mobile technology, also has this effect. On Tuesday, Google announced complete on Motorola mobile acquisition, new CEO Dennis · wood match commitments "will focus ' of fewer, larger bets '. Then spokesman for the Motorola mobile zhannifu·ailikesen (JenniferErickson) further explained that the so-called "lessAnd bigger bets ", meaning that he (wood match) will implement strategies for a more simple, smart released Motorola mobile phone number will be reduced, but product quality will be greatly improved. This is a seemingly clear and workable piece of road, but really to go up is not easy. In 2008, former CEO of Motorola mobile technology sangjie·gu (SanJaJha) be entrusted with a mission at a critical and difficult moment, helm is not split by the Motorola Company terminal business. At that time, the Motorola product line, and team covering multiple operating platforms such as Symbian, Microsoft, WinMobile, phone model are numerous, but is not making any money. Then sangjie·Gu led Motorola's platform cuts, leaving only AnDroid systems and intelligent product lines, dramatically reducing the costs of research and development. "Milestone" series of best selling, it is Motorola took the loss of mud on one foot. However, the "fine" Motorola in recent years began to have models of "flooding" trend, while still based on the Android system, but the model number far exceeds the number of "milestone"Era. Even so, on May 2, 2012 first-quarter results show Motorola mobile technology publication Diablo 3 power leveling, its Smartphone shipments to 5.1 million. While in the same period only three models of selling Apple Sales about $ 35 million. "Single" loser "if not the sea tactics, Motorola's sales may be even worse. "One of Guangdong localMotorola's agents to the South are reporters, China is Motorola's global performance better, but some "historical" problems exist such as product price off very fast. He said people in the industry know, Motorola cell phone is not a hedge, in his view, is constantly pushing new models must, otherwise, older models will soon lose competitiveness. ChangeIn other words, not even Motorola's own want of this sea tactics, just a last resort. The same situation also happened to many of the traditional handset makers---constantly pushing new products, maintain market freshness is, secondly, can cover a wider consumer groups, three to maintain confidence in the dealer. Having said that, however, more models means higher level of developmentCosts and marketing expenses. If you have a phone like the Apple "makes" nature is the best. Comparison of traditional "sea tactics", all are not derived in this way. "People only see the Apple phone was sold in shengjing, even thought it was Apple opened the mobile industry ' one-man operations ' precedent, but it's not. "The dealers said, iPhOne model has been recalled, because it was a success. Also has in the past with small amounts of style mobile phone brands in the open market, but most are short-lived. In particular, he referred to the example of Albert Henderson. "I was doing their orders, the first phone to sell very well, then a ground-' Chang ' so-called solar-powered mobile phone, very poor market response. "Reference to Albert Henderson, The dealer is still haunted. Combining hard and soft base "Chang" was not the only failure. Because of this, less profitable, but also lower the risk of "sea tactics" became the most brand choices. Motorola, if you have selected "fine" line, what is the key to success? Jie Li Yuankai consulting consumer electronics analyst in China, First of all is the practical creativity. "The so-called innovation is not just technology innovation in the laboratory and, more importantly, is on the spending habits of grasping. "He believes that Android has already proved the success of Google in mobile innovation. Second is financial TERA Gold, "sea model" enterprises Diablo 3 CD-KEY, once products are not popular, other models can quickly fill up. "SoldierMode "is not, furniture, and a loss for both sides. In this case, strong financial support is very important. "Not want to stick for some stars, but don't have the resources to support, and finally had to change the product. "Even more important is the" combination of hard and soft ". Throughout industry the main "single combat" brand, Apple iPhone designed hardAnd software, more matches. Follow quite successful domestic millet family of mobile phones and the phantom phone also developed on the software and hardware development as important as location. In this regard, Google and Motorola of the cooperation itself is a combination of hardware and software. "While Google stated that Android not bias in Motorola, but can, in turn, was favoured by Motorola Android.” Li Yuankai also believe that Motorola's future is very likely modified individual routes, "both sides decided sowed the seeds of cooperation on the first day. ” Others:
