Friday, June 29, 2012

the National Audit Office published 15 single audit resultsDisplays

129835668777187500_434Crazy inventory of more than 15 million tons of steel products in China to build 371 bird's nest Steel stock in 15 consecutive weeks back, but rebounded slightly in valleys of the steel market still will not help. Inventories of steel products in China in the end how much? Answers can be built "371 nest, 111 CCTV building". The European debt crisis is not return frequency, real estate slumped and exports of steel products were "double reverse" investigation of background, high productivity growth of the iron and steel industryAnd the high inventory has become the corporate heart "said pain". Crazy stock: 15.615 million tons in accordance with CISA's statistics show that as of June 1, 2012, 26 varieties of five main markets of steel (threaded, wire, hot rolled coil, cold rolled sheet and plate) community inventory to 15.615 million tons, over the sameCompared to the period (June 3, 2011), total inventories more than 1.19 million tons. Journalist access to relevant information that, "bird's nest" amount of 42,000 tons of steel external steel structure, if built with the inventory to the "bird's nest", you can build 371; CCTV new building with a capacity of 140,000 tons of steel, then these stocks can build 111 CCTV building.Production capacity continued to increase, which led directly to steel inventories are high. After the Centre for economic development of metallurgical industry-related sources, demand for domestic consumption and exports only about 700 million tons, with 900 million tons of excess steel capacity of more than 200 million tons by the end of last year. According to the information, my dosage about 5 million tons of steel for high speed railway as a whole, this excess capacity of 200 million,Current high-speed rail line in our countries to be built 40 again. Still in expansion of production capacity of excess pressure has been so great, but starts at around 90% of iron and steel enterprises. "A lot to eliminate backward production capacity of local tax payer, local governments are reluctant to eliminate them, so one day is one day. "A steel plant workers told reporters. "Real losses regardless of the operation is stopped. But once cut off further recovery of blast furnace production costs were very high, and market competition is fierce, discontinued downstream customers will soon after be competitors steal, even resumed production customers are likely to drain. "Steel capacity in China's fast-growing dates back to the" Eleven-Five "period. "15", "Eleven-Five" period,Crude steel production grew and 22.6% respectively. Only last April, crude steel production reached 60.575 million tons, over the same period last year increased by 1.527 million tons, growing cent. Subsequently, China Steel overcapacity problems become more and more prominent, but output still could not stop the pace of growth. China Steel NETForecast, 2011 added 63 for blast furnace in China, production capacity totals 85.59 million tons. That by the year 2012, the State finally made up my mind to the backward production capacity, "brandished a" developed "efforts to increase energy conservation and emission reduction, promoting industrial upgrading" of the policy read more, but the local government in the implementation of discounts on. On June 1, the National Audit Office published 15 single audit resultsDisplays, in addition to the single financial issues, different levels, Baosteel, ansteel and there are different levels of breaches of WISCO added capacity issues. Continuing weak demand and capacity is corresponding to a new high, now continue to slump in demand in the industry. According to the National Bureau of statistics, in January-April, domestic crude steel apparent consumption of more than 200 million tons, up to 219 million tons, An increase of 0.5%. But if you consider in February this year than last day, January-April this year the actual crude steel apparent consumption continues to be negative. In iron and steel industry group "winter" situations, people have lower demand for steel in the future. In the steel industry "Twelve-Five" development plan, 2015 domestic consumption of about 750 million tons of crude steel guiding,Annual crude steel consumption growth is forecast at just 4%. "Downstream weak demand on the one hand, on the other hand, as the upper reaches of iron ore, coke prices rising again, these costs affects the efficiency. "Macro study on Wang Li, an analyst said. It is understood that the real estate industry has always been higher usage of steel industry, demand for its steel products accounted for 60% of the total demand for the leftRight. However in the current real estate industry continue to be downward path. Infrastructure, under the influence of lack of resources, railway investment continued to decline, January-April fixed investment fell railway 43.6%. In addition, sharp drop in export production has also given numerous steel industry strike. 3 May, China's steel industry has suffered trade remedy investigations, two of which is from Turkey and PakistanPeace West respectively for weld pipe rolling steel plate anti-dumping investigations initiated, is with Canada for steel pipe piles of "double reverse" investigation. According to customs statistics showed April exports 4.667 million tons of steel in China, and 361,000 tons last month, fell to 7.2%, down 2.3%. Analysis says that May include steel manufacturers and steelIron distribution enterprises export orders index continued to fall, shrink bands, steel exports in the late or shrinking. 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