Friday, June 29, 2012

that we need more of Europe

129836519609375000_297Shanghai Bank: fiscal consolidation is expected to boost the euro rebound From June 4 to June 8 weeks, due to the market on expectations that Europe will strengthen the financial and political consolidation, head of G7 Finance Conference call sound came to cooperation in dealing with the crisis risks, China's Central Bank unexpectedly cut interest rates to stimulate the economy, therefore, short jiancang locked profit of euro will have a relatively strong euro lower against the dollar rally. To 68th Asian plate closing, when the dollar index to 83 after opening the week, showing slight touch after high turbulence correction trend sharply, 83.08 could touch on the highest, lowest back to 81.91 Euro 1.2431 against the dollar in early trading, small movements of the shock rebounded sharply after the hit, hit a minimum 1.2384, highest rebound to 1.26252-week highs; Sterling 1.5369 against the dollar in early trading, rendering low rebounded sharply after the consolidation trend, minimum hit a 1.532, highest rebound to 1.56; a $ 0.9699 against the dollar in early trading, small movements of the shock rebounded sharply after the hit, hit a minimum 0.9623, highest rebound to 1.0002 for 3 weeksHigh, 78.07 yen against the dollar in early trading, trend of continuous rally chonggao, minimum hit a 77.96, highest rebound to a 2 week high 79.78; after the US dollar against the Swiss franc to 0.9658 opening, slightly sharp shocks back in touch after high trend, touched on the highest 0.9695, callback 0.9509 of minimum 2-week low points; $Dollar against the Canadian dollar to 1.0393 in early trading, rushed out of the trend of new high reversed sharply after the callback, rushed to the 1.0446 on the top, refreshing year-high record, lowest back to the 1.0206; spot gold 1625.29 in early trading, rendering small chonggao correction trend after, highest rebound to 4-week high of 1640.5, the lowest back to 156144. Due to Spain's banking crisis, therefore, European financial markets to Spain banking closed the door. Spain budget Minister said mengteluozhouchu stages, not to market Spain open their doors. He also called for on June 28 before the EU Summit, should reach consensus on European Banking Union. Although Spain Government officials said restructuring National BankTotal industry capital funding needs little 30.07 trillion euros of capital may also be required, but market concerns Spain banking crisis will be possible for Spain impact government borrowing. European debt crisis a hot fire to Spain banking, although shows that European debt crisis worsened, but may also be a forced the European Union to strengthen Union consolidation opportunities. First, Spain, and France, And Germany and EU policy makers were the subject of intense discussion to discuss how to help Spain to recapitalise its banks in trouble, but you might want to to Spain before the end of June to complete the first phase of independent audits of banks, in order to make a decision. EU economic and Monetary Affairs Executive Member of Wren, the EU Executive Committee have been taken into account by the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) relief funds directlyPossibility to recapitalise banks, although under the current treaties do not have this possibility of France's Finance Minister, mosikeweixi said, France supports the creation of a unified pan-European banking supervision system, and the use of the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) idea of the Rescue Fund for troubled banks to recapitalise; NOWOTNY supported the European Union's European Central Bank tubeLaw, but that the need for a long time now, Germany did not surf lifesavers removed on this proposal, Germany, Angela Merkel, is a member of the Christian Democratic Party senior members Charles McCord said he did not think that the European financial stability facility (EFSF) provisions will allow direct to Spain banking capital. Secondly, the EU is under increasing external pressure, as soon as possible to solve European debt crisisMachine. A copy of the report of the United Nations, euro-zone debt crisis is a major threat to world economic, deterioration of the crisis is likely to lead to further weakness in world economic growth. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) President Christine Lagarde said that euro-zone leaders need to hand out to rescue the euro's overall planning and "common resolve", rather than a deadline. She pointed out that the EuropeanDistrict leaders make decisions is sooner rather than later, they need to agree on a set of principles, to be implemented after. Seven largest industrial Nations (G7) Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors held an emergency conference call, although the meeting did not issue a joint statement, meeting host country United States Treasury Department statement said the G7 discussions "to promote the progress in financial and fiscal Union in Europe",Closely monitoring the development of the situation. Meeting of Japan's Finance Minister, said the G7 Finance leaders agreed on a conference call, will work together to tackle Spain and Greece faced problems. United States White House, President Barack Obama on Wednesday and Germany, Angela Merkel and Italy respectively Prime Minister of Mongolia Dyke phone, discuss the economic situation in Europe, recognized the need to take measures to strengthenToughness and to boost European growth in the euro zone. And, within Europe, the European Central Bank to put pressure on EU leaders. Interest rate decisions of the European Central Bank meeting did not take any action, said Mr Draghi says, President of the European Central Bank, by the European Central Bank should not be to make up for the omission of other bodies. Once again, Germany seems to be determined to EU Summit in June 28, 29thTo adopt action to enhance the integration of the European Union. Germany Angela Merkel said, ready to take action to ensure stability in the eurozone in Europe. Merkel in Berlin and United Kingdom Prime Minister said after the talks, Germany is prepared, together with 16 other euro-zone countries, take all the necessary action. Merkel said: "it is important we emphasize once again, we have to build up a support tool for euro-And Germany are prepared to use these tools when necessary. "But, she added, which refers to the temporary relief fund-euro European financial stability facility (EFSF) and a permanent bailout fund-the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM). Of course, Merkel's position can also be seen, Germany also have reservations. Merkel told ARD public broadBroadcast company said in an interview: "I do not believe that the mere a Summit will decide the major events (further integration of the European Union), but things we did during this time, that is, that we need more of Europe (moreEurope), and June will publish a work plan. "Based on the above information, will further integrate the financial markets for the European Union, the strengtheningExpectations of the Union, such as the United Kingdom Chancellor Osborne said the United Kingdom will be required to ensure that the protective measures in place, when the move to establish a bank in the eurozone to Alliance, protecting United Kingdom financial services. Germany Finance Minister Shuo Hible has said that once the European financial Alliance, will have a chance to make up the European Union, debt-sharing programmes can be implemented. So indeed, EuropeSolution of the debt crisis, because this is exactly what the market considered that is the most effective means to respond to and resolve the eurozone debt crisis and the right approach. Euro boosted by EU to strengthen fiscal consolidation expected, backlash. Rating agency Fitch to lower Spain ratings three from to BBB, and given the negative Outlook, Fitch as the three largest rating agencies giving Spain rated levelsA low, Fitch believes that Spain's banking capital requirements higher than expected, you may need about 60 billion euros, when if more severe, you may need up to 100 billion euros of funds, and Greece puts pressure on contagion risk. However, the bad factors did not affect Spain latest bond auction, Spain sold � 2.1 billion in the longPublic debt in the period, attracted strong buying demand, while issuing costs increased slightly. Market the bonds issued as is Spain a test of confidence, therefore, Spain successfully to issue bonds also boosted market confidence in the euro. Australia's Central Bank announced interest rate cuts by 25 basis points to 3.5%, the lowest level in more than two years; Canada Central Bank as indicators of market is expected to maintain interest rates unchanged at 1% andOnce again raise interest rates may signal after the release; the United Kingdom central banks hold, the Central Bank's move did not have too much of an impact on the market. Australia's economy grew in the first quarter, quarter rate was 1.3%, up from the 0.5% more than double market expectations; released May unexpectedly strong employment in Australia, increasing 38,900 people, far exceeding expectations, depressing markets for AustralianFurther interest rate cuts by the Central Bank expected the Australian dollar gain boost. Ye Lun, Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve on Wednesday gave the Fed should further assist the vulnerable economic reasons, Ye Lun view that risks from current market problems, weakness in the job market and financial conditions deteriorate. Market view, Ye Lun's comments suggested that may be close to the further easing of the Federal Reserve. However|diablo 3 power leveling, the Chairman of the Federal ReserveBernanke in United States Congressional testimony speeches, beating market expectations on QE3 introduced a third round of quantitative easing in the near future, he said that, if financial problems increase, the Fed will take action to protect United States economy, the Fed is paying close attention to Europe's debt crisis and Bank on the United States pose a significant risk of economic recovery. But Bernanke did not give up immediately to take more money and stingStress measures implied. Bernanke's testimony after the release of market optimism hit 5 high risk assets such as the euro currency face resistance. People's Bank of China announced late Thursday as of June 8 down financial institutions RMB deposits and loans of one year, at the same time, adjust the ceiling on deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions to benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times, financial institutionsAdjust the minimum lending rate floating range to 0.8 times times the benchmark interest rate, which is 3.5 years for the first time China's central bank interest rate cuts, liwan of China was issued to the market downturn, activity of stimulating the real economy policy signals. The move incentive impact high risk assets. Recent lead in rally of spot gold price, earlier in the week that is, signs of stagnation, and lead to a correction,If risk weakening the European debt crisis on the one hand, weaken the haven demand for gold; on the other hand is a Gold bull market force QE3 expected loss. From June 11 to June 15, the week, major currency fundamentals focus are as follows: United States: Tuesday, 19:30 United States in May, National Federation of independent business small business confidence index Tuesday, 20:30 United States May export prices and import prices Wednesday, 02:00 United States federal budget on Wednesday May, 20:30 United States May producer price index on Wednesday 20:30 United States May retail sales on Wednesday, 22:00 United States April business inventories Thursday, 20:30 United States May consumer price index Thursday, 20:30 United States first quarterThe current account on Friday, 20:30 United States June New York Fed manufacturing index Friday, 21:00 United States April net flows of international capital on Friday, 21:15 United States industrial production for May on Friday, 21:55 United States June initial euro-University of Michigan consumer confidence index: on Monday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published Spain BankSystem reports on Wednesday, 14:00 Germany May consumer price index on Wednesday, euro-zone industrial production for April 17:00 Thursday, 16:00 Monthly Bulletin of the European Central Bank published Thursday, 17:00, harmonic May consumer prices index end value of the eurozone on Thursday, 17:00 euro-zone labor costs in the first quarter on Thursday, 21:30, Germany's Central Bank ChiefConference Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann spoke at a forum Friday, 17:00 euro-zone first quarter employment change on Friday, 17:00 euro-zone April international trade balance United Kingdom: Tuesday, 07:00 United Kingdom Royal surveyors Association price difference May Tuesday, 16:30 United Kingdom April industrial production and manufacturing output on Tuesday, 16:30, United KingdomApril international trade balance Friday, 16:30 United Kingdom April international trade balance Japan: Monday, 07:50 Japan corporate survey in the second quarter on Monday, 13:00 Japan May consumer confidence on Tuesday, 07:50 Japan May Enterprise commodity price index on Wednesday, 07:50 Japan April machinery orders Thursday, 12:30 Japan 4Month correction in industrial production on Thursday, 11:30 Japan's Central Bank announced interest rate decision: Tuesday, 01:45, Canada's Central Bank President Kearney made a speech on Tuesday, Australia May 08:30 business conditions index Wednesday, June consumer confidence in Australia on Wednesday at 08:30, 15:15 Switzerland May producer price index on Thursday, 07:10 Australia's Central Bank President, Stevens in a speech on the Australian economy and Australian Economic Forum Thursday, 15:30 Switzerland's Central Bank announced interest rate resolution Thursday, 20:30 Canada capacity utilisation in the first quarter on Thursday, 20:30 Canada April new-home prices the latest week on fundamentals, United States market will focus on the May retail sales and MayInflation data. Market expected United States May retail sales will grow by 0.3%, but recent credit consumer spending figures showed retail sales may be cool, but negative is less likely. Data showed that United States economy still in low-speed recovery patterns, is not expected to improve on the Fed's June 19, 20th Conference on interest rate decisions do not push QE3 expected�� Federal Reserve's latest beige book report said United States economic growth has accelerated in the past two months, signs of a modest increase in employment in the labour market. This report and the recent market on United States economy increasingly pessimistic view of opposite, shows that the Federal Reserve without a major policy actions in the near future. In Europe, markets will also focus on further integration of the European Union, the strengthening of theUnion News. Estimate of the European Central Bank's latest report showed that the European Central Bank unexpectedly eurozone economic growth forecast unchanged this year and next, and at the same time reducing the inflation forecast for this year. This means that at the level of the European Central Bank, the euro-zone economy in the second half and not Spain's banking crisis heated up and tended to be pessimistic. So, once a month the European Union peakResults will boost market confidence in the solutions to the European debt crisis, euro sentiment will likely warm. However, on June 17, Greece will hold a general election again, prior to the date of this sensitive, euro bulls are expected to be cautious again. Greece once again election outcome is expected to end may also be no one forces to successfully form a stable majority government, which supportsAnd opposition to the EU rescue plan of the two sides, still close, China. That the European Union needs greater wisdom. Furthermore, Switzerland's central bank interest rate strategy session is expected to continue to show restraint of determination of the strength of the Swiss franc over, that will support the euro against the Swiss franc exchange rate target limit of 1.2. Latest one week, from technical point of view, index, current date line 10 daysBottom line for the channel under the short-term upward path has been broken and the date line MACD indicator appears high in the 0 axis die fork today, line RSI indicator back to 30-70 swing, day line Brin track to run shell nosing, so short was expected to enter high rangebound consolidation phase. Expect resistance level this week or 83.15 near,Near the pole or 81.95. Euro-dollar current date line MACD indicator below the 0 axis appears low gold forks, day RSI indicators rebounded to 30-70 the regional swing, date line Brin track into the running shell nosing, indicating short-term pattern of rangebound set will go into low. Is expected this week, the euro-dollar resistance level in 1.258Near or 0, support or 1.243 nearby. Sterling against the US dollar at present day line MACD indicator below the 0 axis low show signs of gold fork, date line RSI indicators rebounded to 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin track begins to enter the running shell nosing stages, meaning that short-term shocks may run low set.Expected this week, the dollar resistance level in the near or 1.56, support or 1.537 nearby. Australian dollar against the US dollar at present day line divergence of MACD indicator below the 0 axis gold fork upstream, date line RSI indicator for a time into more than 70 strong area, fell to the 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin tracksInto the running shell nosing stages, suggesting that will go into low pattern of rangebound. Expected this week, the Australian dollar resistance level in the near or 0.9930, support in the near or 0.9780. Dollar against the Japanese Yen at present day Golden fork upstream line MACD indicator below the 0 axis, date line resistance-RSI indicators bounced back to near 70,In the 70-30 of the balance between urban, Brin track day line to run again, but the width of the rail tracks from up and down, indicating in a broad pattern of rangebound. Is expected this week, the dollar-Yen resistance level in the near or 79.85, support or 78.65 nearby. Dollar against the Swiss franc at present day line MACD indicator on the 0 axisDead fork appears high, day RSI indicator in 30-70 pinghengshi the regional swing, day line Brin track to run shell nosing, predicts will enter the upper pattern of rangebound. Is expected this week, the Swiss franc against the dollar resistance level in the near or 0.9660, support or 0.9560 nearby. US dollar against the Canadian dollar current date lineMACD death appears high in the 0 axis forks, date line RSI indicator fell back to 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin track steering shell nosing is running, indicating high rangebound ready. Is expected this week, the Canadian dollar resistance level against the dollar in the near or 1.039, support in the near or 1.025. SpotCurrent date line MACD indicator below the 0 axis gold Golden fork sign ascending rhythm has been destroyed, death to fork the sign of change and daily RSI indicator in 30-70 the regional swing, date line Brin rail in horizontal extend patterns, that will run a rangebound market. Expected this week, spot gold resistance level in the near or 1593, supportIn the vicinity of or 1559. (Note: the above technical resistance level of analysis and Asian support are based on Friday's closing price, for reference only, stock market trading, at your own risk. ) Ye Yaoting Shanghai line 2012-6-8
