Monday, June 11, 2012

.����In addition Diablo 3 gold .����In addition - IDTJ

129834010402608750_3-Zhao Hai recently Diablo 3 Gold, Executive President of the Research Institute of income distribution, income distribution in China experts in Beijing said Li Shi, headline-grabbing income distribution reform programme introduced by the end, city employee pension achieve national co-ordination will be a breakthrough. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, continuously deepen the reform of income distribution system in China, established and community primaryAppropriate to the market economy system of distribution according to work as the primary distribution, multiple State distribution system. But must face up to the fact that is, individual rooms, rooms, class rooms, groups of widening income gap in between. The World Bank (micro-blogging) calculation shows that per capita income ratio is 2.5 urban and rural residents in China, clearly higher than the average of the other low-income countries in AsiaLevel (1.5), also higher than the average middle income countries (2.2). Social trend of widening income gap is, for various reasons, existing resource endowments, rational factors such as market competition mechanism, stages of development, inadequate institutional mechanisms, policy measures were not perfect, the unreasonable factors such as uneven development, in particular doping in the income distribution monopoly, rent seeking, corruptionFactors, makes the problem more complex.����Both in terms of improving economic efficiency, increased stamina, or from the perspective of safeguarding social stability and realizing the harmonious development Diablo 3 gold, income distribution system reform has become one of the central issues of the social development needs to be resolved. But not only the reform of income distribution system is an urgent task, reality, it is a long and arduousTask. Therefore, we must proceed, look in the long run, starting from promote various reforms, starting from more than one link, for deployment of the system and arrangements. In the course of reform, the Government plays a very important role. You can say to a certain extent, present personal income gap widening in China is working with the Government in the area of income distribution acts of misconduct have a close relationship, thisForm of: running excessive government intervention in the economy on the one hand, or even administrative powers involved in the distribution of the market mechanism is compromised, resulting in unfairness of distribution for the first time; on the weakening of Government redistribution of functions and cannot effectively regulate income gap.����In fact, both in the initial distribution is the distribution, the Government is promising. In the initial distribution, in addition toRaising the minimum wage, guarantee the most basic survival needs of the low income, the Government can also remove identity and employment discrimination in the labour market, strengthening labour inspection, make every effort to safeguard workers ' rights and interests. In the area of distribution, that is, "cake" area, you can reform the Government Finance and taxation system, adjust the gap too large. This is to solve the problemThe key. First of all, two "transfer" strengthen, "transfer of income" and "transfer of expenditure". "Transfer of income" wow power leveling, the Government should speed up the construction of social welfare, increases the range and intensity of social security, medical, pension, education, housing, livelihood, increased benefits, income tax revenue of the State into more, better change whenFormer revenue and economic growth is not harmonious state. Furthermore, the "shift spending", the State must efficiently regulate the matter of public taxes and fees, such as water, electricity, gas, public transport expenditure on people's livelihood. Government should clean up and reduce taxes for ordinary people as soon as possible, in the water, electricity, gas, public transportation and other expenditures do not put one-sided emphasis on the people's livelihood "marketization", but financial licensesCases, implementing financial supplement (available to the public or direct subsidy to the public sector).����In addition, in the vulnerable sectors and increase the income of low-income people, the Government at the same time, "charged high" work needed to step up and implemented, especially code for State-owned enterprises executive compensation, tax collection and financial leverage effect must also be strengthened. (This column contribution reflects the authors personal opinion only, notTable this position) Others:
