Thursday, June 28, 2012


129823520704843750_374Huiyuan Juice twice a day a different response to deny foreign body door called bacteria Recently, users have made Twitter under warranty call the Huiyuan Juice found in unknown plastic foreign bodies, attracted the attention of consumers. Center for China financial reporter interviews the Huiyuan Juice PR, PR staff has two different explanations are given. Ms PR Luan Mingyang told reporters, foreign bodies for the bacteria, and bacteria blocks appear quite normal。 While the PR and Hu Wei told reporters, foreign bodies are bacteria have yet to be identified view my site here, is unable to give a precise reply. Online Twitter exposes drinking Huiyuan out "like the intestines of objects" on May 21, user "Walnut Peter Pan" small said: "drink, ready to flip on the cover of time, I found the flip cover behind some wrong. Why so dirty to see productionDate 2011.12.23, should not expire before watching TV reports, foreign objects inside the box, did I win? "Subsequently, the user issued a set of Huiyuan to drink the real figure out foreign bodies. Journalists from see on picture, foreign body surface of pot in the photo, has a lot of bumps, and both sides have different colors. User reviews: "The pros and cons, I it was grape juice, really not juice of the large intestine. I don't find the Huiyuan Juice official Twitter to explain who I was = vulnerable groups of consumers. "Netizens" Walnut Peter Pan "then the micro-Bo added, I said like the intestines of objects. Just describes his degree of nausea. Should be some kind of rubber like, not really gut. Why the foreign body? Huiyuan has two entirely different response reporter has learned, friends "Walnut Peter Pan" has been kind to Huiyuan company Manager in the hands of Inspector diablo 3 power leveling, waiting for test results and responses. Huiyuan Juice Ms PR Luan Mingyang Center for China financial reporter in an interview said, companies and consumers to communicate. She also said that the meeting source is hundred percent fruit juice, no addedPlus, without intervention of external additives such as sugar or preservatives, pigments. Foreign body occurs, on the one hand may be a consumer not drinking for a long time after the opening, causing long bacteria. Other hand, or leakage of, consumer storage caused by improper packaging during transport. Ms Loan response soon, received net financial centre of China Huiyuan PR staff and Hu Wei back. He said that is still neededStep in understanding consumers place the juice of time, foreign bodies are bacteria also have yet to be identified. And Hu Wei said, the company is working with consumer consultation, waiting for the test results report will take some time, yet does not give a reply. Ms Center for China financial reporter for the Loan that "foreign body gel for bacteria", calling into question and Hu Wei. And Hu Wei said, Ms Loan response onlySpeculation does not represent test results. And Hu Wei said, drink place for too long the formation of mildew or cause a foreign body. For example, the Kaifeng provides beverage to drink is completed within 24 hours, if it takes too long to place, would certainly lead to qualitative changes. "The ' real ' (of a foreign body gel) detection of relevant departments," he said. Journalists on the staff of Huiyuan twice gives differentReply again, call the company to check PR, but as of press, has not been a clear reply. About Huiyuan Juice drink event of the plastic foreign bodies, China financial center also sustained attention. (Net financial center in China)
