Monday, June 11, 2012

three big questions to be solved Recently SWTOR Credits three big questions to be solved Recentl

129828564377343750_68H-p's net profit falling stream of layoffs: three big questions to be solved Recently, Hewlett-Packard's two actions shocked the industry: first Diablo 3 Gold, HP released second quarter results of fiscal year 2012. According to Hewlett-Packard's second-quarter net earnings of us $ 30.7 billion, fell by 3% than US $ 31.6 billion in the same period last year net profits of us $ 1.6 billion, fell by 31% than US $ 2.3 billion in the same period last year. Second, HP has announced a restructuring plan. According to the planHP will be reductions of about 27,000 employees before the end of fiscal year 2014, annual savings of us $ 3 billion to $ 3.5 billion in capital and has identified three strategic priorities in the field of investment, that cloud services, data, and security. Faced with the dilemma of the revenue decline in net profits to both HP's "rush" has announced restructuring plans, its purpose is very clear, that is passed to the marketSecretary have the ability to "save themselves", liwan decline message, in order to enhance the confidence of investors. Traditional poor business performance, while HP is not purely a PC company, but the evolution from traditional PC companies of the IT products and services company, Hewlett Packard, Dell, seem to be facing the same fate. Hewlett-Packard's financial situation not only unsatisfactory, Dell's situation is also poor.Dell recently announced results for the first quarter of this fiscal year, net profit fell US $ 33%, income fell US $ 4%. Judging from all sectors of HP's revenue and operating profits, financial services and software sector growth to a certain extent, make up for the PC, printer and other traditional business flagging the performance impact. Personal Systems DivisionPC Group's operating margin to 5.5% revenues and flat over the same period of last year; operating profit of 11.3% in the service sector, revenues compared to the same period last year fell by 1%; imaging and printing group's operating profit for the 13.2% revenues compared to the same period last year fell by 10%; operating profit of enterprise servers, storage and networks Division for 11.2%, campClosed and compared to the same period last year fell by 6%; HP's financial service sector revenues grew 9% compared with the same period last year, which investment portfolio revenues grew 4%, raise up 5%; operating profit of 17.7% in the software sector, revenues from 22%. Circumstances form a great contrast with HP, Dell is positioned to smartphones and mobile PC opportunityThe Apple company. According to the latest statistical research firm DisplaySearch, Apple mobile PC shipments in the first quarter of this year nearly 17.2 million, annual growth rates of 118%; about 80% for iPad shipments, the annual growth rates of up to 162%. Apple successfully again, "or innovative, or be eliminated" is IT eternalThe rule. Even HP "IT giant", must also be "no regret" to join the wind Cirrus surge of innovation in the mobile Internet, otherwise it will escape the fate of being eliminated. Restructuring cuts throttle "self-help" compared to the results, either the investor or the consumer seems to be HP announced restructuring plans are more interested in. Briefly summarized, HPRestructuring is not entirely surprisingly around revenue and expand. Expenditure side, brunt is mentioned to be laid off. HP's first planned 27,000 employees, most scale layoffs for 73 years. Second, HP is expected to use non-human related cost-cutting measures to save more money, including optimization, inventory and supply chain platform rationalization, towards cityStrategic simplification and improvement of business processes. According to predictive, through cost saving initiatives, the company may stage ending in fiscal 2014 annual savings of us $ 3 billion to $ 3.5 billion in funding. In the area of open source, HP is targeting in terms of cloud services, large scale data and security business, plans to increase investments in these three areas. As can be seen,With the decline of PC, printing, hardware, such as business, outside the main battlefield of HP had to look for new business growth. At the same time, HP is investing in research and development, core print business and personal systems promote innovation and differentiation, to further enhance the competitiveness of products in the market. Both emerging fields and in the traditional business, HP through increased investments to promote innovationTo increase the revenues, improving the currently weak financial position. HP is about to implement restructuring plans, unusually strong market reaction, news in HP in premarket trading on that day's gains 10% reported $ TERA Power Leveling, 3% closed up the next day. From this point of view, Hewlett-Packard's reorganization plan has been recognized by the analysts and investors. Development questions to be solved in the future as WhitneyGeneral Chief Executive Meg Whitman said, "HP to regain trust in a quarter, and in order to do this, we must be consistent in our commitment to practice. "Indeed, the announced restructuring plans can temporarily get recognized by the investor, but in practice the plan is far more difficult than planning. Hewlett-Packard's future development there are still many uncertain factors. First,HP will keep the global PC market leader position? According to market research firm IDC data, end of March quarter, HP's market share of 18%, for the global PC shipments up to manufacturers, Lenovo 13.4% second place; but the gap from 8.3% in the same period last year, narrowed to 4.6%. Although Whitman, for directPC and printer business to their customers, will focus on product design, production technology and product quality, to meet the needs of customers, but HP will pay during a long period of time is not known, but Lenovo obviously do not want to miss opportunities for fanchao. Second, the performance of strategic investment would give HP what contribution? HP plans over the next few years,In cloud computing, data storage, computer security, breakthrough, while on the other to provide attractive to invest in the growth potential of the sector. Higher returns through the new industry developments and investments in research and development, may bring new growth to HP, HP but these efforts to bring the performance contribution is still unknown, and WhitneyGeneral in the field of mobile Internet is not a successful attempt to expand, Web OS because of operational problems are HP on hold. Third, the vision loss how to remove investor concern about future growth? Ovum principal analyst John Madden said: "until now, we see Whitman has released its restructuring and business strategy plan, but the key is missing, that's herHP's vision and strategy in the long run, this is an HP heart of worried customers need to know. Even if the restructuring smoothly, HP continues to have a problem: HP wants to own next year into what kind of a company, the next three years? The next five years? "Maidan questions reflect the aspirations of all people who care about HP's future, after all we see is" days oldStates "HP SWTOR Credits, what is the future? Whitman must give a clear answer. Others:
