Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 gold industry - CJE

129757017019687500_30Cloud TV second revolution: cloud computing technology Duo system released in Beijing On March 7, Rui Fu, Guangzhou, by the Institute of computing technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and information technology joint research and development of "duo Yun 1 system" Grand release in Beijing. Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of industry and information technology, monitoring Director Wan Xiaodong, like Bai Weimin, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Association computing researcher Xu Zhiwei, born, Rui Fu technology Chinese Academy of Sciences President Liu Jibang, allwin consulting (AVC) General Manager Yu Liangxing leaders and experts to attend the meeting and witnessed the release of duo Yun 1 system together and cooperation agreement signing ceremony. Cloud computing is the personal computer revolution, the Internet changes after the third wave of IT, through consolidation of network computing storage resources, such as software, cloud computing enables ready access, on-demand, instant extensions and other features. With the meterIs improving the capacity of, and cloud computing in the future will be used for a variety of electronic terminals, implementing sea terminal of cloud platform mode. As the heart of the digital home, TV also actively into "the cloud", however due to lack of implementation issues such as technology of synchronous interaction and provide services, cloud appears has led many to question the sound of the TV. Clouds 1 duo will completely destroy these embarrassing, the DepartmentReunification is in the Internet under the premise of the application, based on cloud computing technology architecture and development of cloud platforms, support a variety of display terminals such as TVs, computers, cell phones and other devices, directly through the cloud platform for running of the computerised system, application, management tera gold, analysis, interactive and storage. Like Fu technology duo Wang Haijun, Deputy Chief Executive summary of "real cloud computed in the background, the TV serviceBackground, can achieve full network applications ". Fu Technology Marketing Director Kai Zhao duo to you in detail the "duo Yun 1 system" advantage: "duo Yun 1 application solution on the TV platform, reflects the difference of brighter highlights and popularization of advantages--a real multi process system, enables offline download true background operation true" online computer "Full network browse true function of rapid application development; real screen interaction, mobile office; the true full HD display. "MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0" duo Yun 1 system "" duo Yun 1 systems "publication ofLed by industry experts fully endorsed. Director of the Coordinating Bureau of the Ministry of industry and information technology, monitoring Wan Xiaodong said, "' cloud computing cloud 1 Duo system technology ' is the second revolution of the TV, it pushed the TV industry update, defines a new standard of TV, I believe it will be more and more the whole enterprise application". As Vice President and Secretary General of the Association Bai Weimin praise: "This is not only a technical update, new era of more open cloud platform technology, meanwhile, will further enhance China's international in the field of television and TV voice and core competence ". Conference site diablo 3 gold, guests witnessed a joint "duo Yun 1 system" opened. MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocUmentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 "duo Yun 1 system" opening ceremony in China video industry Association published "cloud TV development in China" mentioned in the cloud TV in policy, technology, industry, enterprises, demand driven by five factors, TV of the future development trend of. Owell consulting (AVC) data display, flat panel TV, Internet television penetration rates will continue to rise, expected in 2012 is expected to increase to 50%, the Internet will gradually become TV standard tera gold, which laid a good foundation for the rise of television. In order to jointly promote cloud chain upgrading and improvement of the TV industry, Rui Fu, Guangzhou, Institute of computing technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and information technologyLimited held a signing ceremony, TV background in technology research and development in the field of cloud and cloud operating system technology research and development co-operation. Rui Fu, Guangzhou, Institute of computing technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and information technology field held a signing ceremony in the three industries under the background of technology integration, "duo Yun 1" system used on the TV, the real realMass data storage operations and massive collection, consolidation and utilization of resources, opening up a new cloud platform technology of the era, triggered the second revolution of the TV. Others:
