Friday, March 23, 2012

tera gold reporter Chen Chen - HII

129756355714062500_31Miss Lu provides 9 notes, 8 for number the same. Report from (reporter Chen Chen, Zhou Ruiming, Zhong Dawen photography coverage) @ SINA Netizen 盧 _ sensitive Washington (micro-blogging) the day before yesterday, said in a Twitter post, own a bank teller machines take $ 1100 in Dongguan, but found that $ 900 of them counterfeit money, its time is money a month ago, on February 5At noon. Contacted yesterday posted on friends tera power leveling, also see that $ 900 counterfeit. Reporters then reflected to the Bank on this matter, Bank staff, due to party a month later only to find counterfeit, doubtful produce counterfeit money from automatic teller machines. But Bank staff also reveal that, at present banks have stepped up investigations into the incident, it is estimated that in recent days will be the result.Savers: found counterfeit money at noon yesterday after a month, reporters find the posting user Miss Lu. Lu Xiaojie said that at noon on February 5 she dongkeng gas station near a bank teller machine, Chang-Tong take money, taking a total of $ 1100. "When you take out, touch money I felt slippery slide, seems wrong. "She has a look at top, just in the moneyIs true, then I would put the money into his briefcase. Lu Xiaojie said that when they got home tera power leveling, she put the money in the closet, ready to save to buy a mobile phone. "Nazhi the day before yesterday I saved up enough money, ready to get that with 1100 dollars, only to find it has 9 face value of 100 Yuan counterfeit money. "Lu Xiaojie presented the money to reporters, 9 yellow watermark obvious counterfeit money, of which 8Number exactly. Bank: Miss Lu is stepping up efforts to investigate the matter, told reporters, after finding the money, she immediately called to the Bank. "But the Bank there said, I take the money and leave the ATM, I have money change you, teller machine cannot leave money, made a report if you have any questions. "Yesterday afternoon, this reporter went to Lu Xiaojie said teller machines within theirBranch.  Reporters produce after Miss Lu's play money to the Bank staff, staff confirmed that this does have 9 tickets in the $ 1100 to $ false. Bank staff, Lee told a press conference tera gold, reflected by the Lu Xiaojie, banks are being investigated, had to bring up a surveillance video of Miss Lu taking the money on the day. "But the monitor cannot take Qing Yuan per pieceConditions, and a month later, Lu Xiaojie to reflect, so banking on doubtful Lu Xiaojie to produce counterfeit from a bank.  "He also told reporters, the Bank has stepped up investigation into this matter, will be able to give the customer an answer tomorrow. Mr LEE also cautioned: "If there is a problem found when customers withdraw money, you should call customer service before the ATMAnd notify the staff in the past. ” Others:
