Saturday, March 10, 2012

world of tanks power leveling Deng Xiaoping has lost the rays of "Red Sun" shines - VPO

129731621473440000_107The abstracts from the spring and Autumn Annals of the Zhongnanhai figures, Gu Baozi/an Du Xiuxian/photography, Chinese Communist Party history Publishing House, 2009.6 Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping's discontent, because he was "disobedient"; Lin Biao grudges Deng Xiaoping, because Deng denied high posts draw. The "cultural revolution," beginning of Deng Xiao-ping's "Mark II" sth After the 1935 Zunyi ConferenceDeng Xiaoping has been in important positions, "the great cultural revolution" started ahead of Deng Xiao-ping's become such a key position, General Secretary of the party. Core at this time of the leadership of the party has been split into several rival factions, one tendency conceal another, struggle, centering, and the "great leap forward", hunger, adjusting, during which there are increasingly strident about the International Communist and workers movementThe polemic. The last is the "cultural revolution" broke out. As Deng Xiaoping, General Secretary of the party at that time at the focus of various contradictions. As the implementation of the resolution, leadership organization, person-member of the foreman to handle daily affairs, his deal with a host of problems every day, do often contradictory decisions. Health party when he tried to defend, defend and guard their leading bodies, and use it to reach"Class struggle" and are perpetual movement, he will be "flexible" decided to perform these from Mao Zedong. This is not a is he wants to opposite to Mao Zedong, he is very clearly seen the situation at that time, as far as possible to minimize and reduce some bad decisions brought about by the loss. Thus, Deng Xiaoping became the "great cultural revolution" relayed President LiuMark II after a little odd that "Capitalist Roader, second in the party". Deng Xiao-ping's "cultural revolution" was quickly down at the beginning of many reasons. It has two of the most important: a discontent from Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping has lost the rays of "Red Sun" shines; second, Lin Biao to give way to Deng Xiaoping, "the great cultural revolution" at first, he LiWith a variety of opportunities to attack Deng Xiaoping. Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping's dissatisfaction was mainly because of Deng Xiaoping's "disobedience". Mao Zedong was enough for his worship is needed to consolidate his position and prestige, while Deng Xiaoping collective leadership against personal arbitrary; two of Mao Zedong's later years are most proud thing "three red flag" and the "cultural revolution" and Deng Xiaoping'sIn 1962 by welcoming "three red flag" against the "three red flag", this is intolerable for Mao Zedong; to Mao Zedong's "people's communes", support of Deng Xiaoping Deng Zi-hui's "more plots for private use, more free markets, more enterprises with sole responsibility for their own profit or loss, and fixing output quotas on a household basis". On August 9, 1960, the Beidaihe Conference ends on the day before, already approved the documents adopted by the Conference of Mao Ze-Dong Tang tudi changed all of a sudden the mainItaly, criticized Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi. Four weeks later, Mao Zedong also plans to reintroduce the people's commune of slack, recovery of the household responsibility system and is prepared to Peng Dehuai's decision vindicated, socialist society there is a class of class struggle, and motion as the central theme of the Conference. And withdraw the Vice Premier of the State Council in charge of rural work of Deng Zi-hui's post to warn the TangDeng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi. In October 1966, Mao Zedong's people complained about Deng Xiaoping said: "even though Deng Xiaoping's poor hearing, but he was always away from the meeting I sat. After 1959 he never reported to me that in the six years of work. Member he entirely to the work of Peng Zhen. Do you think that he is an able Assistant? "and Lin Biao give way due to Deng Xiao-ping's 1953 refused and Gao Gang Deng Xiaoping at the end of "cooperation" about it. In 1953 Mao Zedong put forward after the Central first-line, second-line, then Northeast Council leader Lin Biao Gao Gang first made after the support, active very active. Gao Gang trying to approach officially and the Deng Xiaoping's light sentence, said Liu Shao-Qi's immaturity, to win over arch with Deng Xiaoping and Gao Gang Liu Shaoqi. Deng Xiao-ping'sHe made it clear that, Liu Shao-Qi's position is a historical formation of the comrades in the party, from the general terms, comrades Liu Shaoqi was good, changing the status of such a history is not appropriate. Deng Xiao-ping's thought: "high group is not great for maintains different program and policy lines, but to usurp power. "Lin Biao to give way is from the start of the Deng Xiaoping. In this case,After the frenzy of young students have been stirred up, Mao Zedong a Big-character poster entitled Bombard the Headquarters of the post in front of the Central Committee Plenum, held in early August, Big-character poster in full is: the first Marxist-Leninist Dazibao and Renmin Ribao commentator's comment, how well written it is! please reread the comrades reading this Big-character poster, and this comment. However world of tanks power leveling, in the more than 50 days, From the central to local leaders, the opposite, stood on the reactionary bourgeois positions, implementation of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the cultural revolution of the proletariat and spectacular play, confuse right and wrong, to exculpate itself, besiege the revolutionaries, suppressing different opinions, implementation of the white terror, thinks his long and prestige of the bourgeoisie world of tanks power leveling, fight the aspirations of the proletariat,How pernicious! link right to the 1962 and 1964-"left" of the real right and the error, do not be thought-provoking? Big-character poster while not directly named, but very clear, its leading edge is pointing to Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. In the North's first Big-character poster released by the Xinhua News Agency after the country, students began to rebel, in-line, Deng Xiaoping and Liu ShaoChi in order to maintain the stability and order, in order to preserve the prestige of the party, wanted to young students out of the "political enthusiasm" into the track, they sent the working group to some colleges and universities, and appealed to the rebel youth: "a real left-wing party one heart and one mind, believed that the working group. "Deng Xiaoping also warn about actions of the Red Guard frenzy, he banned processions and demonstrations in the street and stick charactersReported. July return to Beijing on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping's instructions fuming: "the Communist student movement is not a Marxist. "Then, Mao Zedong said that the Working Group was the" dictatorship of the bourgeoisie "and" white terror "product of the Working Group of the order for dismissal. Central Committee members attending the Conference know, since then, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, although still standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, butActually left the leading post, accept the disclosure and criticism, and "Bombard the Headquarters" the general direction of the rebels. Lin Biao group of the flames. On October 1, in celebration of national day 17 at the annual rally wot power leveling, Lin Biao made a speech that: "in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, represented by Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line with bourgeois reactionRoutes also continued the struggle. "In other words, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping called" reactionary bourgeois line of struggle "must also go on. On October 6, in Beijing third high command chaired the 100,000 people of the red guards, "national revolution to the reactionary bourgeois route between teachers and students in Beijing opened fire on violent swearing" on Jiang Qing said: "I support you this fearless freeHeroes of the revolution of the middle class. "The power of the General Assembly the adoption of the Conference, and called on the country" to the bourgeois movement opened fire on the line of violent! "in" the Central cultural revolution "directly support, secretly, under the command of, again to the" reactionary bourgeois line "attack was launched. In Beijing, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, led by Li Xuefeng students called "implementation of bourgeois reaction route" was jiudouAnd criticism. The Party Committee of University student impact schools, win School of broadcasting rights, "made of anti-bourgeois". The situation caused some momentum, Mao Zedong and the party committees of all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions together in charge, personally presided over the central work meeting. Lin Biao Chen Boda on October 12 and 16th respectively after speaking at the meeting, with dueMao Zedong's prestige and the evolution of the atmosphere, forcing Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping made a self check on October 23. Deng Xiao-ping's bluntly points out that: "following the plenary, a Big-character poster of Chairman Mao, is the shelling of Liu Shao-Qi and both of my command. "On October 25, Lin Biao said at the Conference:" Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, they've made the other wayLine, with Chairman Mao's route instead. "" Liu, Deng line, is on a Big-character poster of Chairman Mao said, ' stand on the reactionary bourgeois position of, implementation of the bourgeoisie, dictatorship of ' route. "12 «»
