Sunday, March 4, 2012

eq2 platinum a large number of players involved in the field - IYQ

129747570875625000_600Yesterday afternoon against Shanghai Shenhua eq2 platinum, Shanghai Shen Xin (formerly Nanchang Heng source) in the match eq2 platinum, when both players in the first half of conflict, a large number of players involved in the field, referee eventually had to blast on the whistle to terminate the game. As a super-highest card in foreign aid, Anelka learned early yesterday in the supermarket "Kung-Fu soccer" hot side. This is Shanghai Shenhua completedOverseas chain for second match after returning to Shanghai. When to about 20 minutes a game, two players on the outbreak of the conflict. Members Shen Xin Wang 赟 dissatisfaction with defensive action of boxiqi, then when you strive for to create the appearance of a foul Act violations of boxiqi. Dai Lin Shenhua team guard the front theory, by Wang 赟 fist struck, and the two immediately wrestle diablo 3 gold, and lead to moreConflicts of players involved in the fight. Conflict lasted about 3 minutes, duty magistrates then blast on the whistle ended the game early. Shanghai Shen Xin and then take the bus to leave, about 4 players injured during the conflict between the two sides. Anelka was not involved in the conflict, but with the other teammates, coaching staff in the next step in and patch up a quarrel. (Editors: Zheng Li)
