Friday, March 23, 2012

tera gold zhongguizhongju. Planic - GSQ

129765943188487500_48 <a href="">tera gold</a>Cyclone Heta VS Bayern Munich scoring: luobeilimule failed in the out of home team Yeah sporting March 18: Beijing time on March 18, the 26th round of the Bundesliga League Bayern Munich home victory over bailinheta 6-0. After the match, Germany Sportal professional sports website on both players scored, midfielder three attacks, Mueller, Arjen Robben and Riberg also were given out of 1, Krause also get 1.5 points higher.According to Germany the media practice, the player scores from 1 min to 5 min, the score tera gold, the smaller the better, 1 is divided into full score, pass in 4, 5 min under the minimum general conditions, but the extreme minimum score is 6. Team six-ball sweep bailinheta, Bayern players generally received high marks, midfielder Mueller, Arjen Robben and Riberg has excellent performance, Qi Qi was rating out of 1. Lumbar discitis Krause has notWrong play, also get 1.5 points higher. Bailinheta is relatively bleak, passed the first episode 11 no one, only the second half substitute appearances was the goalkeeper of the Boolean break, teams were given up to 9 persons in less than 5 minutes of extreme low (5.5 and 6 points). Bayern Munich player scoring: Neuer (3.5 points): relaxing doing nothing butHalf a small mistake. Lamu (2.5 min): back in the Beck team full of new energy, coordination between Lamu and Arjen Robben is very understanding. Older Boateng (3 points): stability, performance tera power leveling, and outstanding personal physical fitness. Badeshitubeier (2 points): leader of the rear, solid defensive core. Arabba (2 min): assists the positive, front has several times threatened�� Krause (1.5 min): only change-over comb, also into a ball. Gustavo (2.5 min): Riberg and Robben were on the defensive resolve worries. Arjen Robben (1): three, hat-trick of goals is the best for sure. Riberg (1 min): staged three assists a hat-trick in a row, passing the ball to a direct assistance of teammates,Two manufacturing points. M��ller (1 min): doors to open early for the team victory, there are two beautiful assists. Gomez (2.5 min): positive effort, with one penalty kick made. Jimoshiqiuke (3.5 points): alternate not many opportunities to play after play, zhongguizhongju. Planic (3.5 points): not too eye-catching performance. RaffiniAsia: play time too short without scoring. Bailinheta player score: craft 4.5/Carsten Jancker 6/Bastians 5 min/hubunike 5.5/peidedayi 6/Andreas ottl 5.5/Lyle 5.5 points/Niemeyer 6 points/lukaweiqiya 6 min/5 min/Rafael Ramos special 3/5 min/Boolean break Molares, 6 min Others:
