Monday, March 19, 2012

tera gold to 8.01 billion euro - CHC

Daily of Spanish finance and economics " 5 daily " (Cinco Dias) Zhou Wu (on December 30) the word of official of cite Spain government covers, the government is planning this country to reduce current and communal expenditure 30% , to 8.01 billion euro (add up to) of 10.4 billion dollar about, this will save a 1.9 billion euro for the government. Report says, spanish government still plans to cut budget of public construction project. Report points out, above these Zhou Wu will win first constrictive measure congress approval, and before annual budget planned to predict to will be by March 2012 diablo 3 gold, announce. Report still says, adjust in communal defray in the center, only annuities will go up tone, amplitude modulation is on 1% . Spanish Hou holds the post of premier to pull Huo Yi (Mariano Rajoy)12 month 19 days of acceptance tera gold, he will be cut Spanish public sector, reduce government spending in order to control this country finance deficit. Lahuoyi says, "Spain is communal the rises exclusively part in defray will be annuities extends, other part should diminish. " it is reported, expenses of the pension in governmental budget was Spain 2011 112 billion euro (add up to) of 146 billion dollar about. Lahuoyi expresses, he will reduce public sector employee, adjust public sector dimensions, because he hopes to weigh model investor confidence tera gold, keep grade of credence of Spanish 3A dominion. Spain cuts a plan in the pay that 16.5 billion euro raises in next year budget, but pull Huo Yi and did not explain to carrying out the detail of afore-mentioned plans to make.
