Monday, March 19, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling about 40 - WEE

129756711720000000_1144Super Gao Qingzhao 1.2 billion pixels of the opening ceremony of the CPPCC. Can zoom in any part of the photo. Everyone participating in the opening ceremony can be found. Screenshot of the Southern Metropolis daily's official Twitter is being held two sessions throughout the country, the nation and the world people's eyes, every detail there is concern of the General Assembly. Yesterday, one can see the opening of the CPPCC National Committee siteEveryone's doing super high definition photos, panoramic view of to show the people a clear of CPPCC meetings, once publication attracted a large number of users on the Internet concerns, call "an eye-opener" enlarge image found bright spots. Reporter Zhang Jun zoom and then zoom in to see everyone's face ldquo; we find highlights, South-opening ceremony of the CPPCC have launched millions of pixels photo, you canZoom in! Like in the detecting satellites. Click here to come and get you familiar with official, came to see members you are interested in, to sit more than 2,200 people in the great Hall of the highlights! "Yesterday at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Southern Metropolis daily micro-Bo released an official opening ceremony of the CPPCC session five times photos, opened the photo reporter found, as the reporter scroll mouseWheel, photo is constantly enlarged, until you can see what everyone is doing in the picture. Why do pictures to enlarge it so it? Contacted the picture was taken, the South reporter Ke Hu. Ke Hu said diablo 3 power leveling, usually an ordinary SLR camera that reporters photographs taken around about 12 million pixels, so a picture of the long edge approximately 4,000 pixels, wide-brimmedThere are about 3,000 pixels. "This million pixel photos, about 40,000 pixels long side, about 30,000 pixels wide, the entire screen will have 1.2 billion pixels. This means that is the amount of a million pixel photo contains dozens of times and even hundreds of times times of a normal photograph. "Revealing the secrets of our" million pixel "photos were spliced into a ldquo; million pixel" is howWhat to do? This reporter had an interview with Yangzi evening news photographer Song Jiao, he believed that with more than one photo mosaic Monster pixel panoramas is highly likely. "Taking into account the great Hall of this site is unlikely to allow the erection of large professional panoramic photography equipment, I guess this is also possibility of ways to make big puzzles. Is the carpet at the scene to shoot a bunch of localPhotos, and then together with later software. But on to the scene and shot some requirements--were taken to a relatively static, photographer to shoot all the photos as soon as possible. Otherwise move two of the characters in the scene picture seams tailor-won't start. Edge of the course, each photo is certainly not seamless with the next junction. "South City Centre's photographyPan Jinsong tera power leveling, Video Director revealed to reporters, this million pixel photos with non-Internet users imagined how amazing the machine once shooting finished, "it was actually adopted by the hundreds of photos and later computer-generated mosaic". Poon said, to complete this picture probably need three steps: the first is a collection of Visual information, is photographed images, soThen through computer technology, these photographs spliced together; then published by network technologies, can give readers a free zoom, browsing experience similar to Baidu maps. Poon said, captured from the subsequent synthesis, a panoramic photos take dozens of hours of work. Ldquo; this requires that the photographer also has a good photographic techniques and computer technology."He said, which earlier in a foreign country, such as on the inauguration of Barack Obama, a reporter did this photo," the United States, Europe and other photographers are doing, but China has not formed too large scale, technology is also not very mature. " News links what is a pixel? Ldquo; pixels "(Pixel) is a Picture (Images) and Element (element) comprising of the two letters of the word, is used to calculate unit of a digital image, if we zoom in several times the images diablo 3 power leveling, you'll find that these continuous tone is actually made up of many small parties of a similar color, these squares is the smallest unit of posed images "pixels". Pixel can be represented by a number, such as "640By 480 display ", it has 640 pixels horizontally and 480 vertical pixels, so the total is 640x480=307200 pixels. Maximum pixel digital camera has 4 billion United States Space Agency for research and development special camera using 4 billion pixels of the sensor. 4 billion pixels can be taken out of 88000x44000 extra largeResolution, the size of digital photos, if compressed, a photo of capacity to a staggering 24GB! In early 2007, Switzerland tournament we are camera company producing debut with 160 million pixel panoramic digital camera, the camera body is priced at more than 300,000 yuan. (Editor: Ning Zhaogang)
