Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera gold and people hospital parking building - WRH

129779380297656250_0Yesterday, the first anniversary of the non-residential parking in adjustment programmes. A year ago, reporter clearly felt that in an interview on the street parking fee hikes on owners of psychological impact after all these years, journalist feels strangeto be visiting found: price leverage to reduce the impact of driving was gradually weakening. Beijing traffic Development Research Center's data also shows, City Centre does not pay for travel by car (free, Including illegal parking) more than 70% and is on the rise. Donghuamen Street: "Ge You" calm down last year: Street "You Ge" called "people", "people, people do. "The North pond Street, Crossing Guard is a silver Jetta sedan parked on the sidewalk taking pictures, the driver does not know where to drill out, to the car up and shouting" manWell, people, don't post.  "At the donghuamen Street, this scene was staged twice in a row, as long as the Crossing Guard appeared, drivers will now come from next to the store, hurry to move the car. One year ago today, the city's streets repeatedly reproduce the classic scene in the movie the endless: is hair "You Ge" and found his car was towed by police, busy rush out: "The people here tera gold, people. "This year: sticking largely to last week, reporters visited twice donghuamen Street," You Ge the "apparent calm, motor road and non-road motor vehicle stall, vehicle owners are simply parked on the main road. "Drop", 11 o'clock in the morning, a woman with a motor vehicle stalls, non-stop, take the keys and lock the carAnd head back to the Wangfujing pedestrian street direction. She said: "the Basic has not posted here, and free parking. "The number of journalists, on the main street, less than 500 metres from this, get a stop of 39 vehicles, occupied the road the motorway on the outside. In contrast, hundred meters outside the Palace group outside the regular parking is still slightly cold. "A total of65 parking spaces, even the weekends are rarely full.  "A woman sat on a small stool parking Administrator said.  New community in the West: "crazy locked" insane last year: no formal parking spaces, 45 minutes to stop last year could not be found, pavement parking fee increases have not raised within the community parking spaces in urban areas into "Xiang Bobo". Both before and after the bike wheelBundle, pull out open covers of old quarantine Pier put on the wire, surrounding place of sth This is parking last year after the implementation of adjustment programmes, baoli mansion near the scene of new communities in the West. In addition to all kinds of strange, residents began the "crazy" private mounted lock tera power leveling, the actual community of nearly 200 cars parked, locked at least over 300. Residents had to rememberComplaint: "do not install locks, 45 minutes to find parking. "This year: regular parking space, residents fear your" stolen "was stopped at about 7 o'clock in the morning yesterday, reporters at the scene saw, lock on the Mainland continues unabated in the community.  Is only different from a year ago, community effects of adjacent roads are neat rows of parking spaces, Park administrators pushing the bike stand aside. Residents WangSays, "sometimes I work there's no place to stop, temporarily stopped the car here, found in the community, such as space Administrators no longer quietly moved in, or the first hour $ 10, the second hour $ 15 parking fee I can not afford. "Often the community with relative also has escaped charges of coup. He said: "every time I parked the car in the parking space, eightNine-point home, charging off. Equal to tera power leveling, or free parking spaces. "News analysis of price leverage sustained blocking effect just short of the road side parking, partly in order to limit the long-term parking. But reporters found that high-charging effect is gradually diminished, owners of parking fees foregone higher driving years ago, pulled back to back alleys, on-street.Transportation Department data also proves this point. After the price of parking charges, within the second ring of the city commute to travel for the purpose of still larger, more universal and free parking. 27% chaowai Street South commuter parking, Masahide near 31%, near jishuitan at 43%, up to 48% near the South Gate of the National Chiao Tung University. Two recent comprehensive traffic survey, City CenterCar trip does not charge more than 70%, and rise. Traffic expert said: "the experience of other international cities are, owner of price sensitivity will progressively reduce, Metropolis are constantly improving public traffic system continuously to adjust prices to maintain ' slow jam ' effect. "Beijing transportation raised the issue of governance Park in BeijingOf 6 large key points, which apart from using price lever implementation fine of regulation outside, also including seize every opportunity of mining supply potential, this year will started construction five tree pine, and dongdan Park, and people hospital parking building (library), completed 800 a parking above scale of public parking building (library) facilities construction; used low growth of mode, strictly control center city parking berth of growth, byCleanup of unnecessary road side parking spaces; and strict law enforcement, organizations necessary to deal with traffic police, pianjing, Crossing Guard, and street communities and avoid parking; establishment of parking guidance systems; carry out various types of traffic education campaigns. Intern Zhang Shang girls reporter Liu Mian Others:
