Friday, April 6, 2012

tera gold more in-depth knowledge - HZC

129773822148125000_176Readers Miss Liu works for a foreign company in Dongguan, currently around $ 9,000 per month, monthly living expenses of about $ 2000, but made her the most headaches are addicted to online shopping, often maxed credit cards, a compromise of "Moonlight." Years later finally had saved $ 10,000 savings, I do not know how the investment value. She through QQ to this consultation, hope financeTeachers can give recommendations. Miss Liu household assets analysis: dongguang, China Construction Bank branch analysis of the financial management Division believes that Miss LAU has higher monthly salary income, but "Moonlight" and "slave" State of life, in fact, among the young is also quite typical, trying to lay the initial material basis for his future life will be needed to "cut expenditure and raise revenue" to do financial planning.Financial advice: CCB financial opinion, good first step to wealth is to cultivate bookkeeping habits, planning daily consumption. Recommendations gradually develop their own take account of Miss LAU's habits, you can choose free bookkeeping tool on the Internet or paper account book for daily consumption recorded, some of the online accounting software, not only according to the categories of spending, chart analysis, System classification.So that you can clear knew where their money is spent each month. "Leave enough spare, investment and value added" against Miss LAU's proposal is the wealth management division. According to the usual rules, household spending remained 3-6 months. Miss Liu for spending $ 2,500 for months, should leave at least $ 7,500 for a rainy day. Recommended that this money canTwo, $ 2,500 saved as current, $ 5,000 in the Bank to buy some more money-market funds. Drop the cash flow of $ 7,500, the remaining 2,500 Yuan proposal Miss LAU can do Fund investments, select some of the more robust type of Fund tera gold, one-time investment, or buy several times. Don't understand stocks such as finance and investment tools, financial architects buildingAbout Miss LAU to temporarily do not have to think about.����In addition, the Fund investment is a particularly appropriate way of investment, to spread risk, reduce costs tera gold, and recommends that the appropriate focus Fund, more in-depth knowledge, accumulated financial knowledge tera power leveling, future income, increased balances can be effectively managed to achieve capital preservation and appreciation. Finance Division also believes that Miss LAU may be considered appropriate to add the baseFoundation support. In addition to the company's basic protection, recommending appropriate supplementary protection insurance products, these products cheaper but guarantees relatively high, like insurance, term life insurance, is within the range that can be considered. Others:
