Saturday, April 14, 2012

tera gold suspects a gun and explosives crimes - MHI

129779512039218750_19In order to maintain the port security, improving the capacity to respond to emergencies tera power leveling, recently seized Manchuria, Inner Mongolia and Russia border detachment held a large-scale disposal of emergency drills. Exercise held in manzhouli railway cargo checkpoints tera gold, simulation cases of robbery with violence in the city, suspects a gun and explosives crimes, most probably through the port of transboundary flight. After the authorities received a report, informed the Russian sideUrgent strengthening blocking blocking, then frontier officers and soldiers closed all roads leading to the outside of the city, began to check the scene of railway freight transportation. When checking to train 8th car, found the suspect, border officers and men to quickly inject smoke bombs and blast bombs in train compartments, two criminals in different direction after the jump and ran away tera gold, one of them threw and caught by dogs, another suspect intended toBlast carrying explosives and sniper injuring it, successful control. For this walkthrough, invited Russian personnel seized Manchuria to observe on the ground. Phoenix Roundup Others:
