Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera gold into the classroom - DTC

129773438965468750_108524th Jinling high school admissions consultation meetings between China and America, the school announced, entering the United States in the autumn of this year three students will participate in a new attempt to, the pilot uses iPad as "bag", teachers can use the iPad and students interact in a timely manner. Purchase costs would be borne jointly by the schools and students. Reporter learned that, Nanjing, although not before schoolIn the classroom introduces iPad, but schools have tried to use "eBook package", and may have more schools to participate in new term this fall. Why use iPad? Save money and effort that textbook costs can be reduced by 90% "iPad as a new media teaching tools, there are a lot of benefits. "Sino-US relations the United States teacher said in class, the teacher can provide via the electronic resources in classInformation tera power leveling, these resources are plentiful, AP Chemistry and physics in the course of the latest electronic teaching materials, and so on. With iPad, students can quiz themselves, calculate their score. Teachers can also use iPad to all students ' questions, and see all the students ' answers. In addition, iPad software, and to help students prepare for SAT, TOEFL, andAP exam. Through the software, students can take advantage of a little time to test yourself. "Should be the next-generation iPad, we are already in the franchisee Advisory Group. "Sino-US heads Meng Qun said that as far as they know, at present there is no collective use in the classroom for students of Nanjing iPad, dealers said, Jinling high school United States classes should be the first.Meng Qun said that subsidies for students in schools part purchase costs. "Almost classes between China and all of the teachers are from the United States endorsed experience. "Meng Qun said that Sino-us with very thick material, she went to United States to buy three or four books, this is more than 1000 pages tera power leveling, better equivalent of thousands of dollars. "Our us Professor to China, carrying boxes of materials. "Students more than an ordinary book to more than 100 dollars, so Meng Qun often help students looking for used books on the Internet, some professors will scan print textbooks to students. "Electronic versions can be used in the future, a book it would only cost about $ 10 is enough. "Meng Qun said, thus saving the books of at least 90%. "The United States now was promotion of electronic versions of textbooks, the mostNew teaching materials. "Meng Qun said that the current understanding is that student 70%~80% teaching materials available on the iPad in the future of learning, and access to the latest version of the textbook. Not afraid of students playing a game? Unified management, students unable to install software on their own "do not have to worry about students to play the game. "Jinling high school Deputy headmaster Xia Guangping said, China and the United States teacher referenceUnited States to students in middle school use the iPad's success, parents do not have to worry about students using the iPad is addicted to the game, because the teacher has set the password can be unified management of iPad use, students have no way to install the game without permission. Meng Qun said that after the students quietly with iPad to school, sometimes in order to learn, but also for entertainmentBecause unified management cannot, shall not be allowed in school. Synchronization of the hosts of future teachers and students, and students can't install applications and software. If a student has cracked a password, synchronize learning content will be lost with the teacher, so the student cannot choose to install software. Xia Guangping, two classes of students is expected to be in the autumn of this year, the new schoolA pilot, if the results are good, will be extended to senior classes of China and a pilot. Is it possible to promote? No timetable, "eBook package" more campuses "' electronic schoolbags ' campus is in the demonstration. "Educational equipment and work-study program in Nanjing City Chief of staff told reporters after, Nanjing currently has 24 and in Kowloon secondary school in attempts to" eBook package"The pilot, can be said to be based on networks of learning. "Can be a desktop, or a laptop, or is the iPad tablet computer, depends on which is more appropriate. "Currently two pilot secondary schools in Nanjing was funded by city or district purchase notebook computers tera gold, in some classes teaching pilot. "Terminal is the computer into the hands of students, but also to have the background and the network environmentSupports. "After that, the two schools have wireless networks. Reporters learned that schools generally do not let the iPad into the campus of Nanjing, even in foreign exchange and the use of foreign materials and learning content more schools, are also not allowed to school students with iPad and cell phones, and other electronic products, because it is difficult to regulate management. Is it possible in the Nanjing city for iPadGeneral campus, into the classroom? "There is the possibility, but considering the price/performance, practicality. Currently localized resources in primary and middle schools and iPad compatibility is not strong. "After, did not rule out such a possibility in the future, but at present, Nanjing is" eBook package "argument, in September of this year is expected to be more primary and secondary schools will be a pilot, but may not be usedIPad, using ordinary laptops more likely. (Huang y) (Editor: Meng Xiangwu) Others:
