Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold on the strengths - GCS

129773900557343750_72Jerry Ma: Marbury more than coach defense than attack threat Yeah sporting March 27: this afternoon, first as a guest of Chinese men's basketball national champion Jerry Ma yeah sporting of the Yi Yantang, analyzed the movements of the CBA finals this season. , Referring to the almost to its own forces, led by Beijing won two games before the finals of the foreign aid when Marbury, Jerry Ma gave him a high evaluation. Finals opener, ' gunfire, led by 36 points under Beijing takenAn auspicious start; the second game, he was in the first three to 6 cases tera gold, distal semi-divine 17 broke out, team with 3 points difference only a narrow victory in Guangdong, revise the score to 2:0. Beijing team this season to achieve good results of the regular second and killed in the finals for the first time, ' credit. Marbury to the changes brought about by Beijing, and Jerry Ma said:"The biggest contribution is not just how many balls to win this year, but throughout the team all the time. Take a simple example, Marbury function and not just on the attack of 30, 40 and even 50 points, but in the entire defensive zone, when top out in the center of Beijing, he was able to recycle under a basketball ring, to tackling when others attack MarburyCut to the ball from behind, all his connections and location, in fact is to have confidence in Beijing's largest. Mabry in the whole team and not just the players, he plays a role of teaching assistants, and even when it replaced the head coach role. "Jerry Ma believed that ' in addition to helping Beijing team on the pitch, present his face for Beijing, as well as the entire CBA foreign aidIdeas will influence brings. He said: "Marbury gave Beijing a new face of the city, brought new feel to the CBA tera gold, including he himself brings a new standard to foreign players, to many other CBA teams brought new reflection--" Oh! This is what I want the players. From the perspective of really want to establish a long-term brand of basketball club, he brought to everyoneReflections are profound, what is going to take 2 million to buy JR. Smith? Is to spend 1 million buying Marbury? "In fact, leading 2:1 despite the Beijing team score in Guangdong, but at home players in competition, on the strengths, team depth, are not as good as the defending champions Guangdong Beijing team. Game, Guangdong's policy is to block Beijing's domestic players�� Talking about countermeasures to be taken, and Jerry Ma said: "in the standing high at a time when, in fact, not divided into domestic and foreign, is now a whole Marbury came to Beijing, his biggest role was played by his own experience in basketball, basketball IQ and his personal capacity to the Beijing team into a whole. "" ' Mentality to be a temporary worker with the BrookesIs completely different, the subway, which one experiences life in the traditional way to understand the problem, it's Thanksgiving tera power leveling, the Beijing team fusion twice a lot of foreign aid. From this point of view, how to limit foreign aid, is the Guangdong team's biggest challenge. �� Others:
