Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera power leveling 129784668166147500_251 - NGQ

129784668166147500_251This week only 1 new share issue Shares (IPO) suddenly slowed down the pace of the week, in addition to this elegant ball resources on Monday (780,388) for online purchase, none of the remaining four trading days this week the IPO arrangement, which is 9 weeks only appears for the first time in a week a new share purchase. Although the IPO pace has slowed, but declared gradually accelerate the speed of new listings. FromInitial public offering of shares of China Securities Regulatory Commission announced weekly reviews of work processes and declare their return on enterprise, as of April 5, declarations, including Board and gem IPO companies added a 40 in a week. Yee ball issued today online resource to be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the purchase price is $ 13, after the release of price-earnings ratio of 186 times, the offering a total of 105 million shares tera gold, issue 84 million shares on the Internet, online purchase, up to 84,000 units, corresponds to the ceiling amount $ 1.092 million. Look elegant ball resource prospectus, the company consists of the original joy ball metal (Taicang) limited changes to set up foreign-invested company limited as a whole, its main business to take advantage of the recoveryFrom used cars, building materials, electrical equipment tera power leveling, machinery, packaging, equipment and production processes in the production of aluminium waste aluminum slag tera power leveling, scrap and so on various aspects of resources, separation, melting, casting, production processes, make alternative regeneration of primary aluminum aluminum products in order to achieve the purpose of aluminum metal resources recycling. Haitong securities believed that Yi ball resources existing aluminum alloy ingot production capacity of 320,000 metric tons/Year (parent company Jardine ball resource 269,000 tonnes/year), Malaysia Yee balls to own capital expansion of the production capacity reached 126,000 tons/year in early 2013 are expected, the issue raised cast 273,600 tons/year after the completion of the project, company's total production capacity will reach 668,600 tons/year. Expected in 2012-2014, elegant ball resource earnings per shareFor $ 1.29 and $ 0.76 and $ 0.96. Elegant ball resources are listed on the class a shares only a secondary aluminum company, recommended purchase. However, analysts fear back to break after the recent new listings. "While investors focused on enterprise's profitability, but also pay attention to changes in the overall trend of the market, it must be said, in the current reform of shares system continued deepInto, as well as the shortage of funds in the market situation, new listings can be expected after gains, is still unknown. "Beijing observe three expert guidance call for the reform of interpretation of the IPO IPO reform of enrolling a user views Others:
